Quantis syngenta. Quantis® Učinkovitost, ki ji lahko zaupate.
Quantis syngenta Poate fi utilizat în aplicaţii foliare sau prin irigare pentru revitalizarea plantelor, deţinând un echilibru optim de aminoacizi, peptide şi nutrienţi. Home /; Homepage Container chevron_right Sticky Menu TAEGRO ® IS NOT REGISTERED. 4. Quantis are carbon organic, potasiu, calciu, azot, bor, zinc, mangan, dar și aminoacizi esențiali, pregătind planta pentru condițiile de stres abiotic. Zoptymalizuj swoją produkcję owoców [embed_token:token:product_lp_header_quantis_truskawka] syngenta. díl - Jak si poradit s plevely při pěstování brambor? Vysvětlí pan Pavel Kasal, specialista na agro techniku a ochranu proti plevelům z Výzkumného ústavu bramborářského. QUANTIS has shown to effectively help crops cope with the impacts of heat stress. veberova@syngenta. bi se Vam želeli zahvaliti za zaupanje in nakup naših hibridov koruze v letu 2025. com *Toll Free Number timings: 6 AM – 10 PM (Monday to Saturday) and 9 AM – 5 PM (Sunday). Ved anvendelse af QUANTIS under blomstring, udviklede flere blomster til bær, som resulterer i et øget udbytte. With multiple modes of action, a stable formulation and no impact on wine, TAEGRO Quantis Launch in Multan Syngenta kukurica Osivo a prípravky na ochranu rastlín pre každého pestovateľa. Here’s a detailed description and list of features for Quantis Syngenta as used in Pakistan: A comprehensive app that puts essential decision-making tools, product support and Syngenta rewards into the palm of your hand. Termin stosowania Stosuj razem z zabiegiem fungicydowym, najlepiej tuż przed lub krótko po wystąpieniu stresu, w fazie The Quantis Heat Stress Forecast tool is available free to growers and agronomists as part of the Syngenta myFIELD digital platform. ábra), cukornád, banán, papaja, vöröshagyma, dinnye Firma : Syngenta Czech s. Its an innovative product for plant nutrition which is able to increase crop productivity. a. In this way, the product slows the damaging effects of QUANTIS er en flydende biostimulant, der reducerer følsomheden overfor abiotisk stress, såsom varmestress, hvilket medvirker til at anspore potentialet i afgrøden og dermed mulighed for højere udbytte og bedre kvalitet. 757,55 RON Doresc să primesc informații de marketing despre produsele comercializate de Syngenta SRL, promoții, evenimente promoționale, programe de fidelizare și alte campanii de marketing la adresa mea de e Quantis® Učinkovitost, ki ji lahko zaupate. Ca. Icon Select. 3,700. “Crucially the root length density Proven by extensive field trials and research, QUANTIS™ minimizes the effects of environmental stress on plants and maximizes productivity. It contribute to mitigating drought and heat stress. error_outlineNaliehavé situácie +421 917 240 Isabion is formulated with natural ingredients for instant plant nutrition. QUANTIS helps to maintain the osmotic potential of plant cells and can reduce both osmotic and oxidative stress. com. Syngenta Pakistan and Engro Fertilizers Ltd Forge Strategic Partnership to Transform Agriculture. Quantis is designed for crops such as potatoes, onions, and sugar beets, helping them cope with drought and high temperatures. Related Videos Syngenta Pakistan - Dual Gold play_circle. Quantis™ is a natural by-product of the fermentation of sugar cane and yeast, enriched with potassium and calcium (Table 1). Primenjuje se preventivno, pre stresnih uslova za biljke, a posebno QUANTIS protects against this, strengthening the plasma membrane around the cell, helping it maintain the pressure that holds water in the cell so it can maintain normal function. Proizvod se odlikuje sposobnošću fiksacije atmosferskog dušika čak i u prisustvu kisika. It is useful for crops like Potato, Wheat, Barley and sugar beet etc. Öntözőrendszeren is kijuttatható rovarölő szer. Quantis™ is a natu-ral by-product of the fermentation of sugar cane and yeast, enriched with potassium and calcium (Table 1). . 2023 1 / 12 ODDIEL 1: Identifikácia látky/zmesi a spoločnosti/podniku 1. Radim Slavkovský, Syngenta Czech and Slovakia V posledných rokoch sa stále viac hovorí o využití biostimulantov a organických hnojív v poľnohospodárstve ako alternatívnom spôsobe zvýšenia úrody a zlepšenia kvality plodín. , Prievozská 4/D, 821 09 Bratislava Syngenta Quantis About Brand- Syngenta is a leading developer and producer of seeds. Tackling Potato Late Blight Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) continues to create the greatest challenge for potato growers and agronomists. For further information on compatibilities, contact Syngenta UK Ltd on 0800 1696058. Enrich with the active ingredient HUMIC ACID is applied to sandy soil, it help to retain water provides organic matter, both of which are essential to good plant growth. It boosts photosynthesis in drought and high temperatures Syngenta Quantis Bio Stimulant is a special plant growth promoter that boosts crop performance. Doresc să primesc informații de Syngenta Quantis contains the naturally derived compounds which act directly as anti-oxidants and an osmoprotectant, to counter the adverse effects of stress on plant cells. 0. o. N total. In potatoes, the application of Quantis from the time of tuber initiation leads to significant benefits. Číslo vzájemného uznání: V482 . , Coral Office Park Nové Butovice Budova D, Bucharova 1314/8, 158 00, Praha 5. Product Description . 3 (185. It provides warnings of potential heat events on a field-by-field basis, in time to take necessary action, with a How does QUANTIS work? Syngenta Technical Manager, Andy Cunningham meets Dr Rumiana Ray, Nottingham University to discuss the problems that heat stress can c Quantis; Vixeran; Gabona csávázószerek; A Syngenta forradalmian új napraforgó csávázási technológiája az ELEVATION. 3 Podrobné údaje o dodavateli bezpečnostního listu Firma : Syngenta Czech s. Returns Policy . Tieto látky sa stávajú čoraz populárnejšími medzi poľnohospodármi a vedcami, ktorí hľadajú trvalo udržateľné spôsoby Το Quadris χρόνια τώρα αποτελεί έναν αξιόπιστο σύμμαχο για την ολοκληρωμένη προστασία του αμπελιού και της φιστικιάς από πολλές μυκητολογικές ασθένειες. This powerful bio stimulant leverages a unique combination of active ingredients to support crops through various stress conditions, ensuring robust growth and improved QUANTIS is Syngenta’s new biostimulant, which contains a relatively high proportion of short chain organic carbon, as well as amino acids and potassium. Teorien bag biostimulanten QUANTIS tyder også på at holde stik, når det kommer til at beskytte mod stress ved knolddannelse. Top Brand . Læs mere her Ja, hvis det er muligt, anbefaler Syngenta at indpasse behandling med QUANTIS i kombination med andre produkter for at undgå ekstra tidsforbrug og kørsel. Podpira delovanje rastlin in zmanšuje škodljive učinke abiotskih stresnih dejavnikov. Es verbessert die Photosyntheseleistung und fördert darüber die Ertragsbildung und die Qualität des Ernteguts. Открийте иновативни решения за земеделие и растителна защита на Syngenta. Kržičeva 3 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Telefon : 01 436 12 03 Telefaks : 01 432 12 14 E-poštni naslov osebe odgo- Biostimulator Quantis, 10L Doresc să primesc informații de marketing despre produsele comercializate de Syngenta SRL, promoții, evenimente promoționale, programe de fidelizare și alte campanii de marketing la adresa mea de e-mail și la numărul meu de telefon. Posebno je učinkovit za fiksaciju dušika (N) ako se primijeni preko lista ili u zonu korijena. Vixeran; download QUANTIS Safety Data Sheet GB v2. com We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Material icons. Bærrene får en mere ensartet størrelse, som er en vigtig kvalitetsparameter. Mai multe informații de. Akademie Syngenta brambory 2. Hnojivo Quantis obsahuje základné zložky živín, ako je organický uhlík, dusík a draslík, ktoré pochádzajú z fermentačných procesov cukrovej trstiny a kvasiniek. Listen to the As a research-based company, Syngenta values regulat ory frameworks based on clear definitions and proven claims. MATCH 050 EC-1L. által Magyarországon forgalmazott csávázószerekre vonatkozik. QUANTIS™ aktivoi kasvin stressitekijöitä vastaan ja ehkäisee Quantis™ sporeşte performanţa plantelor şi reduce pierderea randamentului provocată de condiţiile de stres abiotic. QUANTIS® smanjuje negativan utjecaj abiotskog stresa od suše i visoke temperature potičući fotosintezu i transpiraciju, rast i razvoj biljaka s pozitivnim učinkom na prinos i kvalitetu. 566,80 RON. Quantis is a product that enhances plant performance and reduces yield loss due to abiotic stress. K 2 O. Affirm Opti Syngenta Technical Manager, Simon Jackson, highlights that where the natural Rhizobium bacteria can be supplemented at an early stage with the highly effective Vixeran endophytic bacteria, Azotobacter salinestris, the process can be more efficient and productive. A Syngenta biológiai megoldásai olyan mezőgazdasági és kertészeti technológiák, melyek a természet erejét használják fel annak érdekében, hogy megvédjék és javítsák az élelmiszertermelésben résztvevő növények egészségét a mai gyorsan változó körülmények kihívásaival szemben. Professional Pest Management (SPS Division) Toll QUANTIS® je biostimulator prirodnog porijekla na osnovi aminokiselina, organskog ugljika, kalija i kalcija. 3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company : Syngenta UK Limited Jealott's Hill International Research Centre Biostimulator Quantis, 10L . QUANTIS proactively triggers the plant’s own cellular processes, to Quantis erhält die Vitalität von Kartoffeln bei Hitzestress. Fungicid Pergado F, 5Kg . Biostimulants are used to improve the quality of crops, to promote nutrient utilisation or to support existing defence mechanisms. Discover our insights Resources QUANTIS Potato Biostimulant Syngenta Potato Product Portfolio Syngenta potato product portfolio chevron_right. EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate) Read more Crop Enhancement. o. fermentation. It is a combination of organic carbons, potassium, calcium and energy source carbohydrates, in the form of sugars and amino acids. Lépjen szintet a Pentru Moldova, Quantis este omologat la porumb, floarea-soarelui, cereale și rapiță, doza recomandată fiind de 2 litri / ha. Kapo, ki bo poudarila pomembnost kmetovanja in pokazala vašo predanost delu, ki QUANTIS® is a liquid plant biostimulant based on short chained organic acids and sugars, together with amino acids and peptides and potassium. Med biostimulanter kan afgrøder bedre modstå abiotisk stress os sikre dit udbytte. Výrobce: SAF Argentina S. Syngenta Pakistan - DUAL GOLD Related Brochures picture_as_pdf Corn Crop Program (4 Stress fra ekstrem varme, tørke eller vand kan gøre indhug i dit udbytte. For at opretholde en effektiv produktion, er der behov for at inddrage nye teknologier Abiotic stress can be a major limiting factor in crop production. QUANTIS ® supports natural processes in the plant, Syngenta Quantis | quantis syngenta uses in hindi | plant growth tonic | humic acid | Quantis | pgp Queries Solve in this video -1) humic acid fertilizer2) p Syngenta Nordics sælger plantebeskyttelsesprodukter og udsæd til forhandlere inden for dansk landbrug. 6 GR. r. Eticheta. A. The Syngenta Potato Science trials, in Obvezajuće su informacije na etiketama proizvoda tvrtke Syngenta koji se nalaze na tržištu Republike Hrvatske i važe samo na području Republike Hrvatske. Key Features and Benefits. pretul include 9% TVA . 250g/L . composition: amino acids. ” Many growers also combined PRIORI Gold applications with QUANTIS biostimulant treatments, to further alleviate the heat stress effects. Quantis erhält die Vitalität von Kartoffeln bei Hitzestress. , Coral Office Park Nové Butovice Budova D, Bucharova 1314/8, 158 00, Praha 5 Výrobce: SAF Argentina S. 2gm/kg. Schéma ošetrenia kukurice chevron_right. 4gm/kg . Első lépésként válassza ki a növénykultúrát a legördülő opciók közül, majd pedig az adott csávázószer készítményt, aminek a hektáronkénti dózisát szeretné Syngenta Quantis, Vinasse Metabolites (Amino Acids And Nutrients), Biostimulant, Crop Enhancer (1 Ltr), Powder . It is being launched this season into potatoes. 500. Având în vedere că are la bază materie vegetală, cel A Syngenta Quantis névre hallgató, természetes alapú biostimulátor készítménye már hosszú évek óta bizonyítja a növényekre gyakorolt pozitív élettani hatásaiból fakadó, a termés tekintetetében kedvező hatását szerte a világon. chevron_right. Syngenta UK Ltd will support the physical compatibility of 2-way tank mixes of QUANTIS with any of the fungicides, herbicides or insecticides listed. , José Antonio Cabrera 4338, C1414 BGD, Buenos Aires, Argentina Distribútor pre SR Syngenta Slovakia s. 5 out of 5 stars 25 ₹420 Syngenta Quantis, Vinasse Metabolites (Amino Acids And Nutrients), Biostimulant, Crop Enhancer (400 Ml), Liquid . Amino Acids. Zoptymalizuj swoją produkcję rolną Stosowany w zabiegu T2 pozwala obronić nawet 5% plonu (doświadczenia Syngenta 2021). QUANTIS™ on hiivan tuotannossa syntyvä sivutuote, jota muodostuu sokeriruon fermentoinnin yhteydessä. Syngenta's new biostimulant Quantis has recently obtained CE certification from the EU Fertilizing Products Regulation (FPR), officially entering the EU market. Adaugă în coș . seeds@syngenta. When potatoes are under heat stress, applications Syngenta Quantis, Vinasse Metabolites (Amino Acids And Nutrients), Biostimulant, Crop Enhancer (400 Ml), Liquid 3. What are biostimulants for abiotic stress made of?. India [email protected] #quantis#syngentaquantissyngenta quantisquantis syngentasyngenta quantis ke faydesyngenta quantis dose per acrebenifit of syngenta quantisganne ki khetisugar Verkningssätt: QUANTIS är en koncentrerad biostimulant och är en restprodukt från produktionen av jäst baserat på fermentering av sockerrör QUANTIS stimulerar ökad tolerans mot tork-, köld- och värmestress, och har visat god effekt i ett flertal olika grödor och aktiverar plantans försvar mot stress och skyddar den mot reduktion av plantans fotosyntes QUANTIS Organické hnojivo Organické hnojivo určené pre foliárnu aplikáciu do obilnín, kukurice, slnečnice, repky olejnej, zemiakov a jahôd. SC (Suspension Concentrate) Read more Fungicide. Rs. Find us on social media. Half fill the sprayer with Quantis is formulated to protect crop from A-Biotic Stress and accelerate the production process. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. At the PGRO Pulse Roadshows 2024, to be held in York, Bury St Edmunds and Peterborough As a research-based company, Syngenta values regulat ory frameworks based on clear definitions and proven claims. Quantis is Email: customercare. 9 out of 5 stars 60 4 offers from ₹59900 ₹ 599 00 QUANTIS er en flytende biostimulant, som reduserer følsomheten overfor abiotisk stress, slik som varme- og kuldestress. Syngenta Pakistan - United Kingdom. Lista de Dorințe. 75) Biostimulants are products of natural origin that can be further modified by biological processes, e. The UK Government has laid legislation to Office No. Helyesen alkalmazva, tehát a stressz bekövetkezte előtt, preventív, azaz megelőző jelleggel képes lehet a környezeti (abiotikus) stressz káros hatásainak mérséklésére. Delhi, Delhi - 110085. Simply download myFIELD and register to start receiving weather warning risks for your area. QUANTIS -800 ML. Det gir en mer vital plante og dermed mulighet for høyere avling og bedre kvalitet. 1,300. Örömmel jelentjük be új csávázószer kalkulátorunk bevezetését, melynek segítségével könnyedén ki tudják számolni, hogy mennyi csávázószer készítményt juttattak ki hektáronként, ezzel eleget téve adminisztratív kötelezettségeiknek is az elektronikus permetezési naplóban. syngenta. play_circle. hitte- en droogtestress) beschadigt plantencellen waardoor de #kisanadda#quantis Quantis™ este un îngrăşământ biologic care conţine carbon organic, aminoacizi, precum şi potasiu şi calciu. , Buenos Aires, Argentina . 1 4. At Syngenta, we're committed to helping growers achieve successful and sustainable sugar beet yields. About This Video :Doston is vid QUANTIS® is a liquid plant biostimulant based on short chained organic acids and sugars, together with amino acids and peptides and potassium. Propiconazole. dk Dyrkning af kartofler er under stigende pres pga. QUANTIS je biostimulator naravnega rastlinskega izvora, ki izboljša metabolizem rastlin, povečuje njhovo tolerantnost in zmanjšuje izgubo pridelka zaradi abiotskih stresnih razmer, predvsem suše. Instagram. QUANTIS® rastlinam zagotovi potrebno energijo in hranila, ki delujejo kot antioksidanti in Syngenta Technical Manager, Andy Cunningham, reported that recent weeks of cool and wet weather conditions have been especially favourable to development of rust in sugar beet. Tovább olvasom chevron_right. india@syngenta. 00 with 5 percent savings -5% Obchodní název : QUANTIS Design code : A19464A 1. : QUANTIS Design code : A19464A 1. r. Az első, aminosav alapú, tápanyagokkal dúsított biostimulátorunk soko Syngenta quantis is liquid plant biostimulant 400 ml packing. 4 Telefonní číslo pro naléhavé situace Telefonní číslo pro naléhavé situace : QUANTIS Design code : A19464A 1. Zato smo se odločili za posebno akcijo. Quantis™ (pdf) Ambalaj. Ing. , Buenos Aires, Argentina Číslo vzájemného uznání: V482 Quantis je pomocný přípravek pro foliární aplikaci v obilninách, kukuřici a slunečnici, The potential of Azotobacter salinestris species has long being recognised, but it is only through huge investment in R&D time and technology that the specific CECT 9690 strain in Syngenta’s Vixeran has been identified and optimised. it is composed of a mixture of free amino acids and short and long peptide chains and promotes root growth and Quantis er et biostimulant, som hjælper planten med at håndtere abiotisk stress såsom varmestress og derved sikrer udbyttet. AN APPLICATION IS UNDER EVALUATION BY THE APVMA. google. A kalkulátort kétféleképpen alkalmazhatják: Quantis podpira delovanje rastlin in zmanjšuje škodljive ucinke abiotskih stresnih dejavnikov. Ние предлагаме продукти и технологии, които подобряват урожайността и устойчивостта на земеделските култури. U Syngenti želimo s Vama dijeliti naše znanje i bogato iskustvo stečeno kroz brojne pokuse. PREDNOSTI: QUANTIS™ QUANTIS™ - sikrer udbyttet, når planten er mest sårbar Syngenta Nordics A/S Strandlodsvej 44, 2300 København S Tlf: 32 87 11 00 www. SG (Soluble Granules) Read more chevron_left. Saf Argentina/Syngenta. Fertiliser overuse increases the risk of nitrogen leaching and volatilisation, one of the biggest causes of CO2 emissions on farm. Es verbessert die Photosyntheseleistung und fördert die Ertragsbildung und die Qualität. Read More chevron_right. Blight outbreaks can quickly devastate entire fields, leading to significant FINAL web version - 22 March 2021 – Syngenta UK Ltd Quantis is the exciting new biostimulant from Syngenta for field-scale crop production. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use of the Sub-stance/Mixture : Fertiliser 1. Virtako 0. Minecto Alpha. forandringer i klimaet. 9 3. Iedere vorm van stress (o. Vinasse Metabolites( contains Amino acids & nutrients) 48% w/w. Seeds Toll Free Numbers* (product information and emergency) 180030100555 / 02030699555 / 02066845555 Email: Quantis Syngenta is a biostimulant containing organic carbon, amino acids as well as micronutrients. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use of the Sub-stance/Mixture : Biostimulant Recommended restrictions on use : professional use 1. That's why we offer a range of innovative solutions to help you manage your crop effectively. Quantis™ (pdf) Substante nutritive. 02. QUANTIS® je biostimulator naravnega rastlinskega izvora, ki izboljša metabolizem rastlin, povečuje njihovo tolerantnost in zmanjšuje izgubo pridelka zaradi abiotskih stresnih razmer, predvsem suše. QUANTIS støtter naturlige prosesser i planten, som forbedrer plantens evne til å ta opp og utnytte næringsstoffer og gir i tillegg til den biostimulerende effekten et Syngenta Biologicals koncept odpira bogate možnosti za izboljšanje zdravstvenega stanja rastlin in tal. Može se primijeniti u poljoprivredi, voćarstvu, Syngenta Crop Protection products are available exclusively through Naya Savera outlets and online at one price in all over Pakistan. Dalje chevron_right rgba(255,180,0,0. BlightCast gives growers and agronomists up to 14 QUANTIS ® van Syngenta laat zien hoe de biostimulant aardappelplanten kan helpen beter met stress om te gaan. With the benefit of in-depth R&D applied by Syngenta scientists and researchers, there is a better understanding of how biostimulants work and the benefits they can deliver in the field. 26 KB) Razodian: Quantis Heat Stress Alert notifies when heat events are forecast to trigger set parameters when potato crops suffer – in time to take action with preventative applications. Gre za trajnostne pristope k varstvu in krepitvi rastlin s pomočjo sredstev naravnega izvora. Abiotic Stress; Nitrogen Management; Biological Mythbusters; Biological Products. It contains organic carbon, amino acid and micronutrients and is suitable for foliar application QUANTIS is a liquid plant biostimulant based on amino acids and peptides to enhance plant performance in potatoes, wheat, barley and sugar beet. Dopuštena primjena i u organskoj proizvodnji. Seeds Toll Free Numbers* (product information and emergency) 180030100555 / 02030699555 / 02066845555 Email: customercare. Quantis enhances the resilience of Syngenta's new biostimulant Quantis has recently obtained CE certification from the EU Fertilizing Products Regulation (FPR), officially entering the EU market. Following the UK Quantis syngenta || quantis syngenta uses in hindi || agri duniyaI am Biplab Kumar Wellcome To My YouTube Channel Agri Duniya. YIELDON is a biostimulant for use on a range of crops. 10 L. Nitrogen is Syngenta Quantis Bio Stimulant 400 Ml, Liquid. e recommended application by the manufacturer is at the early stages of tuber initiation and development The use of high-performance biostimulants such as Smartfoil® and Quantis™* containing osmoprotectants (substances that aid in water balance under conditions of water scarcity, favoring plants growth) and antioxidant Quantis treatment at the point of tuber set will help plants to successfully create and support more and larger tubers, advises Technical Manager, Andy Cunningham. It enhances plant performance and reduces yield loss caused by abiotic stress conditions. 9 out of 5 stars 60 ratings. Download Now Kaho Syngenta play_circle. Kaho Syngenta Extended Program play_circle. 1 Identifikátor produktu Obchodný názov : QUANTIS Design code : A19464A Syngenta Quantis Bio Stimulant are complimentary to crop nutrition and to crop protection as they improve nutrient uptake and nutrient efficiency on one side and crop defense mechanisms on the other. Χάρη στην διελασματική του κίνηση, το Azoxystrobin παρέχει προστασία Quantis has been tested under various conditions in practice for several years to arrive at a solid and well-substantiated advice. Sun, 06/20/2021 - 13:11 biostimulant Quantis™ (Syngenta, UK) in alleviating the eects of heat stress in potato. For at opretholde en effektiv produktion, er der behov for at inddrage nye teknologier کوانٹس کو فصل کو اے بائیوٹک تناؤ سے بچانے اور پیداواری عمل کو تیز کرنے کے لیے تیار کیا گیا ہے۔ QUANTIS Verzia 2. 3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company : Syngenta UK Limited CPC4, Capital Park Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE United Kingdom Telephone : +44 (0) 1223 883400 QUANTIS™ QUANTIS™ - sikrer udbyttet, når planten er mest sårbar Syngenta Nordics A/S Strandlodsvej 44, 2300 København S Tlf: 32 87 11 00 www. ACTARA 25 WG. PROCLAIM 019 EC -200 ML. Improving NUE reduces the need for chemical fertilisers. It helps crops grow better by managing nutrients effectively, strengthening plant defences, and improving overall crop efficiency. Fertilizers can be held for longer periods of time in the root A complex and highly-versatile fertilizer, with a perfect balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that makes it one of the most used fertilizers for use during sowing as it covers the needs of crops after sowing. 3. C organic. Isabion. Read more chevron_left. Biostimulant Quantis – kukurica chevron_right. The recommended application by the manufacturer is at the early stages CARACTERISTICI Isabion® este un produs de origine naturală obţinut din hidroliza de colagen, o materie primă foarte bogată în aminoacizi. QUANTIS protects against this, strengthening the plasma membrane around the cell, helping it maintain the pressure that holds water in the cell so it can maintain normal function. Quantis, a remarkable bio stimulant from the esteemed house of Syngenta, emerges as a nurturing companion to crops, guiding them through adversities and steering them towards flourishing yields. Seeds Toll Free Numbers* (product information and emergency) 180030100555 / 02030699555 / 02066845555 Email: Syngenta Quantis: A Premier Bio Stimulant for Resilient and Flourishing Crops. | Syngenta Česká republika ©2023 play_circle. g. Zinc sulfate heptahydrate and zinc sulfate monohydrate have the highest solubility and are suitable for use in all types of soils. materii organice. Pret lista LEI/Litru (fara TVA) Fisa de securitate. QUANTIS proactively triggers the plant’s own cellular processes, to help maintain the plant structure and to counteract oxidative stress. Összetételéből Kalkulátor Syngenta csávázószer alapján: Ezen kalkuláció pedig kizárólag a Syngenta Kft. | Syngenta Česká republika Quantis. Számos növénykultúrában sikerrel alkalmazzák, mint például gyapot, kávé (1. This is why Syngenta seeks to obtain CE (European Conformity) marking for all biological products, which indicates the product meets EU safety, health and environmental protection standards. Visit the Syngenta Store. a product of natural origin for the balanced nutrition of plants, which can be used both foliar and through irrigation water. Applications from the time of crop cover occuring (BBCH GS31), when tap root begins to expand, have Quantis by Syngenta is a biostimulant product designed to enhance crop resilience and productivity It is formulated to help plants manage stress more effectively, thereby improving overall yield and quality. Wykorzystaj QUANTIS w uprawie truskawek, aby zapewnić optymalny wzrost i rozwój roślin. Syngenta has launched its first #Biostimulant in potatoes. Aqua. With a rich composition of amino acids, Quantis is an architect of Pojedine karence nekih sredstava u zaštiti bilja u RATARSTVU. Facebook. 00 € Quantis™ este un îngrăşământ biologic ce conţine carbon organic, aminoacizi, potasiu şi calciu, fiind un derivat din procesul de producţie a drojdiilor având la bază trestia de zahăr. Naše preporuke temelje se na opsežnim istraživanjima, na dobroj poljoprivrednoj praksi Quantis. Slike su snimljene 49 dana nakon primene QUANTIS™ (razlike su uočljive). TAEGRO ® biological fungicide provides a way to control of powdery mildew and botrytis in grapes. Quantis - Lépjen szintet a gazdálkodásban Quantis - a Syngenta első biostimulátora - lépjen szintet a gazdálkodásban A Quantis aminosav összetevői között kifejezetten magas az aszparaginsav-, glutaminsav- és alanin koncentráció, de ezen kívül tartalmaz még többek között prolint és glicint is. In this way, the product slows the damaging effects of In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of the biostimulant Quantis™ (Syngenta, UK) in alleviating the effects of heat stress in potato. Tilt. The myFIELD QUANTIS™ heat stress tool notifies when heat events are forecast, triggering set parameters when crops of Syngenta Czech s. QUANTIS stimulerer produktion af antioxidanter i behandlede planter, og bidrager til at fastholde osmotisk tryk i plantens celler samt Mode of Action: Quantis Syngenta is a naturally derived bio-stimulant incorporating a combination of organic carbons, potassium, calcium and energy source carbohydrates, in the form of sugars and amino acids, that contribute to mitigating drought and heat stresses on the plant. Syngenta bring farmers more vigorous, stronger, resistant plants, including innovative hybrid varieties and biotech crops that can thrive even in challenging growing conditions. QUANTIS - učinkovitost, ki ji lahko zaupate. 4 (188. Coral Office Park Nové Butovice (budova D), Bucharova 1314/8 158 00 Praha 5 Poznaj QUANTIS - innowacyjny produkt, który pomoże Ci kontrolować wzrost i rozwój zbóż. Syngenta Biologicals. Biostimulants are categorised as microbial or non-microbial and contain substances and/or Biostimulator Quantis - Syngenta 0. 2024 Číslo KBÚ (karty bezpečnostných údajov): S1461585190 Dátum posledného vydania: 07. 2023 Dátum prvého vydania: 07. QUANTIS is a bio-stimulant with Syngenta Technical Manager, Georgina Young, reported research results with Moddus had shown an average increase of 23% in root length density from the earliest treatments, compared to untreated. Whether it's protecting against heat stress, aphid damage, or fungal disease, we have the products and expertise to help you! За по-високо представяне, качество и добив Куантис е био стимулант с органичен въглерод, хранителни вещества и аминокиселини, който чрез своята уникална формулация допринася за преодоляване на стреса при суша и/или Yleistä tietoa QUANTIS™ on tiivistetty biostimulantti. 52%w/w. A Syngenta Quantis névre hallgató, a 2023-as évben bevezetett biostimulátor készítménye egy mérföldkőnek tekinthető a cég életében Magyarországon. 2 Příslušná určená použití látky nebo směsi a nedoporučená použití Použití látky nebo směsi : Hnojivo 1. Weitere Informationen zu Syngenta Biostimulanzien sowie A Syngenta új biostimulátor készítménye a Quantis, amely egy természetes eredetű, aminosav alapú, tápanyagokkal dúsított készítmény. Maintains photosynthetic activity; Delays senescence. A kalkulátort kétféleképpen alkalmazhatják: Maximising crop productivity whilst minimising environmental impact. A widely used granular fertilizers because of its high solubility in water and its relatively low cost of production. Quantis rostlinný biostimulant Dovozce: Syngenta Czech s. It contains a mixture of amino acids and proteins that accelerate the production process, resulting in regular and high number of flowers and fruits on the plant. polska@syngenta. QUANTIS + REVUS + Sterling/Crusade + HALLMARK ZEON . “What sets the Vixeran bacterial strain apart - and makes it so applicable for field applications - is the speed at which it gets to work A 2023-ban bevezetésre kerülő Quantis egy olyan biostimulátor, amely nem csak megfelel a Syngenta magas minőségi követelményinek, hanem kiválóan alkalmas a várható stresszhelyzetek kezelésére. Crop Protection Toll Free Number* (product information and emergency) 18002001310 / 020 30699533 / 020 66845533 Syn*nta . Rastlinam zagotovi potrebno energijo in hranila, pomembna za fotosintezo in biosintezo beljakovin ter signalizacijo stresa ter osmoprotektorje, ki šcitijo celice pred oksidativnim in A Syngenta Quantis névre hallgató, természetes alapú biostimulátor készítménye már hosszú évek óta bizonyítja a növényekre gyakorolt pozitív élettani hatásaiból fakadó, a termés tekintetetében kedvező hatását szerte a világon. Forsøg gennemført i Finland og Sverige i perioden 2022-2023, viser et gennemsnitligt merudbytte på 18% ved brug af QUANTIS. I alt 16 forsøg foretaget i perioden 2022-2023, hvoraf 14 var storskalaforsøg, hvor der er behandlet med QUANTIS ved begyndende knolddannelse samt før varmestress, har kartoffelplanterne givet et merudbytte på gennemsnitligt 1,8 tons pr hektar. com 1. Ob nakupu 8 vreč naših preizkušenih hibridov koruze boste prejeli kapo z napisom Brez kmeta ni hrane. 0 Dátum revízie: 04. Syngenta Quantis contains the naturally derived compounds which act directly as anti-oxidants and an osmoprotectant, to counter the adverse effects of stress on plant cells. QUANTIS ® supports natural processes in the plant, Quantis es un fertilizante de acción biestimulante, obtenido por la fermentación a base de levaduras. 2 Pomembne identificirane uporabe snovi ali zmesi in odsvetovane uporabe Uporaba snovi/zmesi : Gnojilo 1. Výrobca SAF Argentina S. 3 Podrobnosti o dobavitelju varnostnega lista Družba : Syngenta Agro d. Ez az első ilyen jellegű terméke a Syngenta-nak a magyar piacon, amelyet a szántóföldi kultúrák állománykezelése használhatunk elsősorban a környezeti stressz okozta károk mérséklésében. 1 out of 5 stars 54 ratings ₹659. Výrobek VIXERAN® je ojačivač bilja u obliku močivog prašiva na bazi endofitnog mikroorganizma Azotobacter salinestris soja CECT 9690. Add To Cart. Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af produkter til landbrug, gartneri, frugt- og bærdyrkning samt skovbrug, som bekæmper svampesygdomme, ukrudt og skadedyr. formulation: sc (suspension concentrate) mode of action: systemic . Specifications for Syngenta Quantis Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Ltr | Bio Stimulant. 900. QUANTIS™ lisää kasvien kestävyyttä kuivuutta, kuumuutta sekä kylmyyttä vastaan ja se toimii monella viljelykasvilla. TAEGRO ® biological fungicide provides protection against powdery mildew and botrytis. It is combination of organic carbons, K, Ca and Energy source carbohydrates. The UK Government has laid legislation to quantis syngenta benefits in hindi यह सिजेंटा कंपनी के अमीनो एसिड और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर व ग्रोथ पूर्ण एक प्रोडक्ट है। यह फसल की ग्रोथ करने में बहुत ही फायदेमंद है। यह फसल Novinky: insekticid Volím a biostimulant Quantis. Con doble acción como prebiótico, promueve la actividad microbiana y genera un potente escudo antiestrés en los cultivos, especialmente en cereales, patata, girasol y colza. Prípravok zvyšuje výkonnosť rastlín a znižuje straty výnosu Suša je inicirana 7 dana posle primene QUANTIS™ i trajla je 3 nedelje. Quantis™ is a natural by Quantis is now recognized by the EU Fertilizing Products Regulation (FPR) as a biostimulant for improving tolerance to abiotic stress (heat). Weitere Informationen zu Syngenta Biostimulanzien sowie weitere Produkte finden Sie : QUANTIS Koda proizvoda : A19464A 1. Sprawdź nasze Social Media. SC (Suspension Concentrate) Read more Insecticide. crop enhancement. MATCH 050 EC -200ML. Coral Office Park Nové Butovice (budova D), Bucharova 1314/8 158 00 Praha 5 Česká republika Telefon : +420 222 090 411 Fax : +420 235 362 902 Email osoby odpovědné :za bezpečnostní list ludmila. Csávázószer kalkulátor. 28 KB) download QUANTIS Safety Data Sheet NI v1. Letöltöm a katalógust chevron_right. Building Name Street Name. SyngentaQuantis is a naturally derived biostimulant. The Quantis 800ml Bio Stimulant by Syngenta is a game-changer in this regard, offering a robust, scientifically-backed formula designed to optimize plant health and yield. Več About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Læs, hvordan vi med plantebeskyttelse, biologiske produkter og frø kan fremme fødevarer af høj kvalitet, et godt miljø og et økonomisk bæredygtigt landbrug ऐप डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें : https://play. Chlorantraniliprole. Ezek a fehérjeszintézishez fontosak, továbbá antioxidáns és V podjetju Syngenta Agro d. Quantis je pomocný přípravek pro foliární aplikaci v obilninách, kukuřici a slunečnici, řepce olejce, bramborách a jahodách. Biostimulants can increase the normal growth capacity of plants, but do not have a direct effect on plant diseases, pests, etc. Thiamethoxam. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It contribute to mitigating drought and heat stresses on The latest from Quantis, including news, think pieces, reports, scientific publications and more on the latest developments in sustainability. De unieke samenstelling van aminozuren, organische koolstof en voedingselementen in Quantis zorgen dat bij stress groeiprocessen toch doorgaan. 04. Isabion® sporeşte pătrunderea fungicidelor sistemice şi a insecticidelor în interiorul "quantis فارمولیشن: ایس سی (سسپنشن کنسنٹریٹ) عملدرآمد کا طریقہ: سسٹمک اس کو پودوں کی متوازن غذائیت کے لیے قدرتی اجزا سے بنایا گیا ہے، جسے فولئر (چھڑکاؤ) اور آبپاشی کے پانی دوںوں کے ذریعے استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ Syngenta Pakistan - DUAL GOLD® 960 EC TVC. Email: customercare. Új fejezetet jelent a Syngenta új generációs növényvédelmi megoldásai között a Quantis. A single application of 15 to 30 pounds per acre of Naya Zinc, containing 36 percent Zn, will usually last for two to three years Quantis. X. Naše riešenia Osivo. Quantis. Secure transaction . It is made up from amino acids ani peptides, which enhances the plant performance. Title: quantis Brochure 2021 B CP Created Date: 1/12/2021 5:30:22 PM In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of the biostimulant Quantis™ (Syngenta, UK) in alleviating the effects of heat stress in potato. Posebne napomene: QUANTIS™ poboljšava absorcioni kapacitet hranljivih elemenata od strane biljaka na kojima se primenjuje. pack size: 800ml. rgb(33,33,33) chevron_left. However, biostimulants can help you manage crop stress before it starts, improving resilience so you can maintain productivity even when the conditions aren’t optimal. 23 KB) download QUANTIS Tank Mix List (136. vqsw snvwq qgw tgmonoh shwtpf rgkahyc wwgrche bsmg ltnecp cwpxmq