Nyu cs courses Most of the associated courses are offered in the computer science department (including logic, numerical methods, advanced theory, and cryptography), but several are also offered in other Most Tandon CS electives are all 3-credit. Detailed information on each course can be accessed each semester from the Courses link. Computer Science. Please note the following restrictions on the minors in our department: Tandon students are not permitted to declare a The computer science department offers students the possibility to perform research abroad with the computer science faculty in either the NYU Abu Dhabi campus or the NYU Shanghai campus. The core of the curriculum consists of courses in algorithms, programming languages, compilers, artificial CSCI-GA. CAS has inertia—it was NYU's only CS program for decades and Courant had built up a solid reputation for its faculty and research. Undergraduate; Students who minor in Computer Science must complete 5 courses. Please speak to your advisor about the possibility of applying courses from other campuses or schools toward a CS requirement. | Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: ENGR-AD 121. Internships are an excellent complement to classroom learning, and can be a valuable part of a student's education, especially with all of the exciting opportunities offered through our department and the Wasserman Center for Career Development . Our department offers undergraduate majors and minors through the College of Arts and Science (CAS) at NYU. For instance, a student can receive a BS in Computer Science and MS in Computer Science, a BS in Computer Engineering and MS in Computer Science, or a BS in Electrical Engineering and MS in Computer Science. CSCI-UA 102 3. Home page for the courses at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. It is the students’ responsibility to consult with their academic advisor if the courses they plan to take satisfy degree requirements in their program, and to obtain approval to enroll in Computer The Computer Science department offers minors in Computer Science and Web Programming and Applications , and a joint minor in Computer Science/Mathematics . Modeling an application and logical database design. CSCI-UA 310 6. Does not count toward the computer science major; serves as the prerequisite for students with some previous programming experience who want to continue into CSCI-UA 101 and pursue the major. Concentration is on writing software programs that make it difficult for intruders to exploit security holes. Description. Note: Cannot Students can use any graduate course at NYU as free choice courses, but must obtain advisor approval to use a course not on the approved list. Academics. In order to be considered for those special tracks, applicants must indicate their interest on the application form. | Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 2314 and CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) or CS-GY 6923 Machine Learning 3 Credits. This version of the NYU public class search tool is in beta test mode, and should only be used to help search for and narrow down classes of interest before registration begins. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Please review the Computer Science Course Schedule. Note: A GPA (Technical) of at least 2. A course tree of NYU Tandon CS program. An internship in Computer Science will not count towards the CS Major or Minor. 0002, V22. They are not necessarily easier than those 4-credit classes. Students admitted between Fall 2021 and Spring 2023 have the option of counting CS-GY 6903 Applied Cryptography as the capstone course, since this course was a capstone option prior to Fall 2023. In light of the US travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Courant Computer Science will offer courses jointly with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering this spring in Shanghai at the NYU-Shanghai campus on a limited basis. Today, the CS department, working in this tradition, has world-class faculty in theoretical computer science, computer graphics, computer security, databases, computer systems, The undergraduate computer science course offerings cover a wide array of topics and interests. 1170- 001 (7955) Fundamental Algorithms Chee Yap T 4:55-6:55PM Meyr 121. CAS students (in any major or minor) are not permitted to take computer science Contrary to what some NYU advisers may tell you, you should take as many CS classes as early as possible . ECE-GY 5373 Internet Architecture & Protocols ECE-GY 6363 Data The following CS courses available to NYU-NY students will be counted towards CS requirements: A Go Local section of CSCI-UA. This website will be updated with guidance regarding Spring 2022 registration once it is available. Associate Professor of Computer Science. Skip to main content NYU 21 credits must be taken as standard CS classroom-based courses. Students will still need to register for classes via Albert. edu or CIWW 326). Graduates of technology programs may be able to fulfill the requirements for the BS in Computer Science All computer science courses are evaluated by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Each section received an instruction mode designation. 1 Students must obtain a grade of C- or better in CS-UY 1114 (Intro. Students may take the final exam without being enrolled in the course. This course uses a project based learning approach towards the study of DevOps as a cultural change in Information Technology organizations, and the supporting development tools and automation technologies required to implement it successfully. Program Description. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI-UA 101), or a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science examination. 04xx . Required Courses Course Details; 4 required courses: CS-AD 101 Introduction to Computer Science CS-AD 116 Discrete Mathematics CS It is recommended that students take their capstone course in their final semester. The undergraduate computer science course offerings cover a wide array of topics and interests. edu Professor Benjamin Peherstorfer Director of Undergraduate Studies, Computer Science Room 421, Warren Weaver Hall (212) 998-3297 For questions concerning course content and honors research, Note to CAS Students: Those who plan to take the cybersecurity minor should be aware that the minor will require them to take at least four courses (12 credits) at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and that there is a limit (four courses or 16 credits) on the number of courses they may take outside of CAS. 2020 - 2021 (Fall / Spring / Summer) Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences The core courses cover fundamental material and should be taken as early as possible. To receive a PhD in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy a breadth course requirement, intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer science, Theory Courses: CS-GY 6043: Design and Analysis of Algorithms II: 3: CS-GY 6703: Computational Geometry: 3: CS-GY 6753: Theory of Computation: 3: CS-GY 6763: This course uses a project based learning approach towards the study of DevOps as a cultural change in Information Technology organizations, and the supporting development tools and automation technologies required to implement it successfully. This exciting and fast-evolving field of computer science has many recent consumer applications Computer Science is an innovative and exciting field that focuses on producing efficient solutions for solving problems in any field. Students majoring in computer science must complete one of the following: minor in Applied Mathematics, Economics, Engineering, Interactive Media (the elective courses within this The joint major in Computer Science and Math requires a minimum of 18 courses / 72 credits. Students cannot use independent study courses (such as Advanced Project CS-GY 9963 or Readings in Computer Science, CS-GY 9413 and CS-GY 9423) or dissertation. Study at NYUAD. I've had plently of people tell me they enjoyed this or that class, and have been jealous of the courses other people have taken at NYU plenty of times. The syllabus must be reviewed and the course MUST be approved as a substitute by the CS department before you take the course. CSCI-UA 201 4. If you have studied C, C++, Java, or Pascal, you should take the NYU Computer Science Skip To All NYU Navigation Skip To Main Content To open and close this bar, use alt+/ Students who minor in Computer Science must complete 5 courses. Below are the Courant Computer Science Department's Spring 2023 course offerings, which follow CAS, university, and state and city health and safety guidelines. nyu. This exciting and fast-evolving field of computer science has many recent consumer applications Students who are neither computer engineering majors nor computer science majors must take either CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) OR (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314. Additional information on course offerings at NYUSH will be posted on this site once confirmed. It is designed to hit three goals: mastering a modern object-oriented programming tool (Python), appreciating computational thinking, and providing an overview of modern computer science and data science. Mathematics Course Offerings Students with any reported score on the Computer Science AP examination cannot enroll in this course; Albert will block them from registering for it. 1170- 001 DS-GA. | Prerequisites for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 2314 and CSCI-SHU 210 (C- or better) or NYU Ranking: New York University ranks at #43 as per QS World University Ranking 2025. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, spanning trees, Information on the NYU Computer Science Placement Exams for Transfer Students. CSCI-UA 421 7. Course options include: NYU Tandon SOE Security Courses. , Computer Science, Stanford University, NYU does not provide financial aid to MSIS students. Most students will take the Algorithms I course to satisfy the algorithms course requirement. An additional 6 credits in standard graduate CS, Math and Data Science classroom-based courses; Examine the requirements needed for a Master's in Computer Science at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. Course Archive. Program Requirements. Notice: This webpage is subject to change and will be revised and updated as necessary. Unofficially, you can skip all of the requirements of any of the majors so long as you get enough credits in the required course work by graduation. Summer 2022 Course Instruction Modes; International Students: Meeting In-Person Requirements; Graduate Course Offerings for Summer 2022 The Courant Computer Science department designed our summer 2022 offerings, following university and GSAS guidance, and state and city health and safety guidelines. Also, as per a top-ranking publisher, this university ranks at #27 in the Best Graduate Schools category. Alan Siegel. Skip to main content NYU Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us. The department will not be offering Grad Go Local courses at NYU Shanghai in Summer 2021. 0002 will be offered in Shanghai- CSCI-UA. | Knowledge of machine learning (equivalent to CS-UY 4563, CS-GY 6923, or ECE-GY 6143), algorithms (equivalent to CS-UY 2413, CS-GY 6033, or CS-GY 6043), and linear algebra (equivalent to MA-UY 2034, 3044, or 3054). 860+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This New Year. in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy a breadth course requirement, intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer science, satisfy a depth requirement, consisting of an oral qualifying exam presentation with a written report, to ensure the student's ability to do research, Courses Course Catalog Course Schedule Exam Schedule Jobs Job Openings Prospective Employers Covid-19 Info Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us. Students are expected to have knowledge of Discrete Math equivalent to CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science prior to taking the Algorithms I course. Disclaimer: This report is submitted to NYU’s Computer Science Department for the sole purpose of assigning an internship grade. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, spanning trees, The MS-CEI program is a Master's degree in Computing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, combining computer science courses from the Courant Institute (Graduate School of Arts and Science) and business courses from the Stern School of Business. *Syllabi in future semesters may vary somewhat from the current and past syllabi shown here. Reviews a number of important algorithms, with emphasis on correctness and efficiency. D. An additional 6 credits in standard graduate CS, Math and Data Science classroom-based courses; independent study; or MS This course uses a project based learning approach towards the study of DevOps as a cultural change in Information Technology organizations, and the supporting development tools and automation technologies required to implement it successfully. Contribute to zeyangxu/NYU_Tandon_CS_CourseTree development by creating an account on GitHub. Bioinformatics, M. Use and design of data structures, which organize information Explore the undergraduate education in CS available at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. CAS students (in any major or minor) are not permitted to take computer science courses in the Tandon School of Engineering. Mathematics Course Offerings NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the Tandon School of Engineering and one in the College of Arts and Science (CAS). NYU Abu Dhabi NYU Abu Dhabi offers the following Computer Science courses which may be of interest to Courant students: Operating Systems, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Computer Systems Organization, Computer Go Local: Undergraduate Courses Offered in Shanghai The following CS courses available to NYU-NY students will be counted towards CS requirements: CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Programming. Students’ performance in the Bridge will count toward their master’s Most students will start the major sequence with CSCI-UA. 0101, or V22. S. Students lacking that knowledge may be required to take CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science. This course exposes students to various cloud computing models and introduces them to performing machine learning on the cloud. CSCI-GA. This exciting and fast-evolving field of computer science has many recent consumer applications The MSIS degree requires 13 courses (39 credits), 5 Stern courses, 5 Computer Science (CS) courses, an Information Technology Projects course and 2 approved electives of your choice which may be taken at CS or Stern. Both offer degree programs at the undergraduate, masters and PhD level and have vibrant research programs. 3 Credits Application Security CS-GY 9163 This course addresses the design and implementation of secure applications. edu). Prepare to succeed in a truly global world. Computer Science Course Offerings. Students who You must complete: 5 Computer Science courses (within the parameters of the degree requirements); 5 Stern courses (within the parameters of the degree requirements); the Information Technology Projects course and 6 additional credits from either Computer Science or Stern. When I joined NYU in 2016, Tandon had only been part of NYU for two years and was pretty clearly not up to the same standard as Courant/CAS. Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Additionally, some seats may be available in the following graduate Computer Science courses offered by the NYU Tandon School of Engineering in Shanghai. Please be advised that NYU Students with any reported score on the Computer Science AP examination cannot enroll in this course; Albert will block them from registering for it. We recommend that students take a course The primary programming language used in the course will be Java. If our Director does not approve, we do not advise to you register for the course as it will not be applicable towards your major requirements. 3033-085. 002 when needed as a prerequisite, or for minor requirements. (pizzini@cs. In order to place out of a computer science course (V22. 0102 Data Structures Below are the Courant Computer Science Department's Fall 2022 course offerings, which follow CAS, university, and state and city health and safety guidelines. If you have a degree in liberal arts or similar, our one-course online program will provide you the tools needed to The NYU Tandon Bridge Program is your pathway to pursuing a Computer Science Master's Degree at NYU Tandon and a career in growing fields like data science and artificial intelligence. This guide is intended to be helpful to underclassmen attempting to take an unorthodox approach to these Fulfillment: Core Curriculum Requirement Algorithmic Thinking; Computer Science Major Required Courses; Computer Systems Engineering Major Required Courses; Data Science Major Foundational Courses; Electrical and Systems Engineering Major Required Major Courses. All NYU; Search NYU Abu Dhabi; New York University Abu Dhabi Home. The CS portion of the CSMA major requires 8 courses/32 credits: 1. edu Office: 60 Fifth Ave 414 Ext: 8-3086 Network inference and protein design for biology, software for searching databases of trees and graphs, outsourcing data while preserving privacy, finding patterns in time series, DNA computing, and puzzles. For MSCS students , these classes would count towards the maximum nine credits allowed for relevant graduate courses in outside departments. MSCS students can request a permission code by emailing graduate@cs. Email address. 1170- 004 (5118) Fundamental Algorithms Yevgeniy Dodis T 4:55-6:55PM CIWW 312. Please be advised that NYU Go Local is not currently scheduled as an option for Fall 2022. The Courant Computer Science department designed our summer 2021 offerings, following university and GSAS guidance, and state and city health and safety guidelines. CSCI-UA. Contact the instructor. 0121 Calculus I . Graduate courses in computer science are regularly offered The course will introduce a panorama of programming languages concepts underlying the main programming language paradigms (such as imperative, functional, object-oriented, logic, concurrent, and scripting languages) and present in detail the formal methods (code semantics, specification, and verification) used in modern high quality assurance tools for software safety To receive a Ph. edu Only open to MS students in the Computing, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation program . Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI-UA 101) will not receive credit for this course. This course is an introduction to the field of machine learning, covering fundamental techniques for classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, clustering, and model NYU School of Engineering Examine the requirements needed for a Master's in Computer Science at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute prior to Fall 2024 Cohort. In addition, students must maintain good standing throughout their studies. 1170 (2249) Fundamental Algorithms Yevgeniy Dodis T 7:10-9:00PM ONLINE. Located in Greenwich Village, the The minor in Computer Science consists of a minimum of 15 credits including CS-UY 1134 and CS-UY 2124 . instead? Visit Professional Education . If you want to make the claim that NYU CS students who start in college aren’t good enough, then start by looking at computer science courses available in high schools and think about how many talented students would miss out on entering the field just because they haven't had exposure until attending college. May substitute up to 2 approved math classes. Spring 2021. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, spanning trees, Students can use any graduate course at NYU as free choice courses, but must obtain advisor approval to use a course not on the approved list. Beyond the program itself, NYU gives students the possibility of leveraging some of the top resources for entrepreneurs in If you are an international student entering the US for the first time in Fall 2021 and need a blended or in-person CS course, please reach out to undergrad@cs. Office hours Room 328 Tuesday NYU Public Class Search. The M. CSCI-UA 202 5. Recent course pages are linked below. Examine the course sequence for CS majors at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. edu/home/ master/prospective_mscs. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences CSCI-GA. Welcome to the Introduction to Computer Science Research Guide! Here you will find information about finding articles, books, ebooks, and internet resources specific for the course you're enrolled in. Required Computer Science Courses CSCI-UA. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, spanning trees, Why study CS at NYU? As a CS major, you will be part of the acclaimed Courant Institute, which originated the study of applied mathematics in the US and continues to be preeminent in this area. 998-3094 kumar@cs. 3 Credits Foundations of Computer Science CS-GY 6003 This course covers logic, sets, functions, relations, asymptotic notation, proof techniques, induction, combinatorics, discrete probability, recurrences, graphs, trees, mathematical models of computation and undecidability. NYU Policies. 1 A grade of at least C- is required in CS-UY 1114 , CS-UY 1134 , CS-UY 2124 , CS-UY 2204 , and ECE-UY 2004 . New York University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions supports the application process for all undergraduate programs at NYU. CS-UY 4763 Information Systems Security Engineering and Management 3 Credits Additionally, Courant Computer Science will offer courses jointly with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering in Shanghai. STUDY ABROAD UNDERGRADUATE COURSES. M. Does not count toward the Course Schedule for Fall 2007 in Computer Science New York University's Courant Institute. CSCI-UA 101 2. Please be advised that NYU Go Local is not currently scheduled as an option for Spring 2023. Graduate students enrolled in other NYU graduate programs may request enrollment in CSE courses for up to 3 credits per semester with the approval of their graduate program advisor. If you have questions, please email us, or IM us via the chat service. The information remains Students who are neither computer engineering majors nor computer science majors must take either CS-UY 2204 (C- or better) OR (CS-UY 2134 or CS-UY 1134) and (CS-UY 2124 or CS-UY 1124) (C- or better) and MA-UY 2314. Computer Science CSCI-GA. This major requires eighteen 4-credit courses (72 points) completed with a grade of C or better and comprising ten 4-credit NYU Courant - Computer Science - Graduate Divison. Does not count toward the computer science major; serves as the prerequisite for Find out more about student advisement for the undergraduate students at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. edu to check for potential options. Requirements in a nutshell The MSIS degree requires 13 courses of which half are from the Stern School of Business while the other half are from Computer Science. There are some great courses and clubs here (less because of covid lmao but still). Does not count toward the The MS-CEI has been designed to train future generations of technology entrepreneurs in the fundamentals of computer science and entrepreneurship - admission information can be found here. NYU Admissions: The University accepts Courses Course Catalog Course Schedule Exam Schedule Jobs Job Openings Prospective Employers Covid-19 Info Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us. will not receive credit for this course. Since the fall of 2010, the College’s dual degree program with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, formerly known as the Polytechnic School of Engineering, has offered highly qualified and motivated students who are technically oriented the opportunity to pursue both a liberal arts program with a major in science, mathematics, or computer science The primary programming language used in the course will be Java. Students should expect an average of 12-16 hours of programming and related course work per week. EG-UY 1001 and EG-UY 1003 may also be excused depending upon transfer credits. Thus, they must plan their programs carefully. By Dhawal Shah. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is a rigorous program that not only covers fundamental computer science subjects - such as object-oriented programming, computer architecture, and operating systems – but provides a wide variety of elective courses, spanning artificial intelligence, game programming, natural language processing, information Master's students register for the course CSCI-GA 3813-003 Advanced Lab , generally for three credits per MS thesis authorization form to their advisor, Cristina Domingo (cdomingo@cs. Some students need preparatory courses before beginning the major, others will have advanced placement credit or transfer credit that enables them to skip certain courses in the major sequence. 0 is required in all ECE and CS courses. Mailing address 251 Mercer Street, Room 305 New York City, 10012. 0101 Introduction to Computer Science CSCI-UA. University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages. Cyber Security and Ph. Please be advised that NYU Go In the NYU CS community, that particular article is literally a copypasta that people make fun of - don't take it too seriously. All other students, contact CSEGradAdvising@nyu. A broad range of algorithms will be covered, such as linear and logistic regression, neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, tree Evidence of ability to excel in graduate courses in computer science English: Evidence of ability to communicate effectively in writing and speech in graduate school and American corporations ms. Whether you want to protect vital data from malicious hackers by studying cyber security, harness the power of Big Data to improve 1 . The official course descriptions can be found in the College of Arts and Science Bulletin. A Computer Science Education minor is also available in collaboration with NYU Steinhardt. The homepage of the Computer Science Department at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, a part of New York University. Today, over 1,200 schools around the world have created thousands of free online courses. Only open to NYU Shanghai GoLocal students Database system architecture. the core requirements are prety weak (for CAS at least) but if you ake a lot of CS electives you'll be fine Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . NYU CAS CS is much more tailored to liberal arts general education courses and anyone who has knowledge of both just knows the curriculum at Tandon is far more rigorous like most CAS vs ENG school comparisons in the country. These policies apply to all NYU students, not just to those matriculated in CAS. The truth is that Tandon’s CS is entirely different (and more rigorous) than CAS CS. 1 . dlm9@nyu. The course material introduces This is an interdisciplinary major comprised of eighteen courses (72 credits) offered by the Department of Computer Science and the Center for Data Science. edu For information regarding open houses for prospective Master's students: GSAS Graduate Fairs and Open Houses For information regarding the CAS/GSAS Course descriptions can be found in NYU’s Albert Course Search. Examine the course sequences for the different majors in CS at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. Courses Course Catalog Course Schedule Exam Schedule Jobs Job Openings Prospective Employers Covid-19 Info In Memoriam Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us. Computer Science Courses CSCI-GA 1170 Fundamental Algorithms CSCI-GA 2262 Data Communications and Networks CSCI-GA 2250 Operating NYU CS (except maybe the fact that it’s computer science), will not stop you from having a great college experience—in fact it might help. Students may not register for any junior- or senior-level courses until they complete all freshman requirements. CS 400 Level Elective Please consider the following course sequence for This course is mathematically rigorous and is intended for graduate students or strong, advanced undergraduates. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. SB Crse Attr: NYU Shanghai: Computer Science Required; SB Crse Attr: NYU Shanghai: If you have taken graduate courses outside of NYU, we may consider your graduate course work at your previous institution towards this requirement, as long as it was in a related field. The Department of Computer Science offers three MS degree programs, Masters in Computer Science (MSCS), Masters in Information Systems (MSIS), and Master's in Computing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MS-CEI) for all prospective students. Graduate Courses. Admissions. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences The Bridge to NYU Tandon Program is a prerequisite course recommended to those interested in applying for the C omputer Science Tandon Master’s Degree who are lacking a background in computer science, mathematics, science, or engineering. 0002-SH13. Advanced Computer Science. Three foundational courses in algorithms, programming languages and operating systems 3 Credits Special Topics in Computer Science CS-GY 9053 This course will explore various topics in Computer Science. Members Computer Science (CS- GY) Computer Science (CS- UH) Computer Science (CS- UY) Computer Science (CSCI- GA) Computer Science (CSCI- SHU) Computer Science (CSCI- UA) Consortium Courses (CONS- GB) Construction Cost Estimating (COES1- CE) Construction Management MA/ GC (CONM1- GC) Construction Project Management (COPM1- CE) This course introduces students to the dynamic world of computer and data science. Computer Science at NYU Shanghai is designed to create technological leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. If the DGS approves the request, the student should register up to 6 credits of MS thesis work. html)(MSCS), Masters in Information Systems The core of the curriculum consists of courses in algorithms, programming languages, compilers, artificial intelligence, database systems, and operating systems. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Computer Science and Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Finance and Risk Engineering Mathematics NYU Tandon offers online graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering, and design, with the same quality of education as on-campus. 0101 Introduction to Computer Science and MATH-UA. Other This course uses a project based learning approach towards the study of DevOps as a cultural change in Information Technology organizations, and the supporting development tools and automation technologies required to implement it successfully. Undergraduate Courses. Worst case, enrolling In addition, the department requires that at least 28 credits in computer science, as well as CS-UY 4513 and CS-UY 4523 , be completed at NYU Tandon. A student who already has test credit or transfer credit for both Calculus I and II must take an additional MATH-UA elective numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher (excluding Mathemtics for Economics I, II, III). To apply to this course, the applicants are required to have an UG degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Engineering. admissions@cs. This will be the last semester of Grad GoLocal. Besides the core curriculum in the fundamentals of computer science, there are a variety of Students with any reported score on the Computer Science AP examination cannot enroll in this course; Albert will block them from registering for it. Additional requirements to get into this course are: Computer Science & Engineering Course Outline CS-GY 6923 Machine Learning Spring 2021 Raman Kannan. I can’t really give you any more details on those two The duration of NYU MS in CS is 2 years. The emphasis will be on understanding general concepts that are applicable to a wide range of operating systems, rather than a discussion of the features of any one specific system (though Linux will be used for most examples). An advanced course subsequent to a core course may be taken in lieu of the core course, with the approval of the Program Director. Students will take 10 graduate level courses for the 30 credit standard CS degree and 12 courses for the 36 credit option with concentration. College of Arts and Science Policies. The Department of Computer Science is a part of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, a world renowned center for the study of mathematics and computing. Students who obtain a Master's of Science in Computer Science are qualified to do significant development work in the computer industry or important application areas. Skip to main content The Courant Computer Science department revised our fall 2022 offerings, following university and CAS guidance, and state and city health and safety guidelines. edu or CIWW 324) or Betty Tsang (btsang@cs. in Computer Science at NYU Tandon is an on-campus, two-year, 30-credit program. 3) Although I think it is slowly getting back, there is a lack of diversity in A course tree of NYU Tandon CS program. The students who are taking multiple high-level elective CS courses are self-selecting and Students majoring in computer science must complete one of the following: minor in Applied Mathematics, Economics, Engineering, Interactive Media (the elective courses within this minor must be selected from the Computational Media cluster), Natural Sciences, or Sound and Music Computing. A 30 credit, 10 course fully If you are an international student entering the US for the first time in Summer 2021 and need a blended or in-person CS course, please reach out to undergrad@cs. To contact professor: Course Pre-requisites Course Description . Please review this page for information on Study Abroad opportunities. Twelve years ago, universities like Stanford and MIT opened up free online courses to the public. Does not count toward the CSCI-GA. 101 Introduction to Computer Science can be taken remotely; a synchronous section CSCI-UA. r/nyu. Advanced courses are offered in In addition to these four core courses, students must take 3 additional credits from the following security courses from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering CS curriculum and from university-wide electives. Note that ECE-GY 6913 Computing Systems Architecture is a newly developed course that replaces CS-GY 6133 as a core The 100% online NYU Tandon Bridge course prepares students without a Computer Science degree or other substantial programming experience to apply for select NYU Tandon master’s degree programs. Please contact your advisor. In the course, students will learn computer science fundamentals and programming with C++. 0102- 003 (16856) Data Structures Anasse Bari TR NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the Tandon School of Engineering and one in the College of Arts and Science (CAS). More posts you may like r/nyu. . Students who have taken or are taking Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI-UA 101) will not receive credit for this course. Ph. to Programming and Problem Solving) or CS-UY 1123 Problem Solving and Programming II or a grade of A- or better in CS-UY 1133 or permission of the department and satisfy the pre At least one of the Math courses must be taken as a MATH-UA course at NYU CAS. PART 2 Students must also petition our CSCI-GA. If you are an existing NYU CS undergraduate, we also offer an accelerated BA-MS program. and will have the same content and fulfill the same requirements as the corresponding courses at The goal is that every student should have learned, through coursework at NYU, about at least one topic from a second list of areas that are important to computer science. CS 400 Level Elective 8. Required math courses: MA-UY 1024: Calculus I for Study Abroad Opportunities. The syllabus and final exam for every offering of Students are required to submit a copy of their completed thesis to their Faculty Advisor, as well as to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Ernest Davis - davise@cs. *** Indicates controlled enrollment (permission number required for registration). Doing many CS classes early on allows you to start taking advanced undergraduate classes (the electives) and graduate-level classes in your Examine the course sequences for the different majors in CS at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute. Computer Science Department at New York University Warren Weaver Hall, Room 305 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Contact Us Email: shasha at cs. Both offer degree programs at Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI-UA 101), or a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science examination. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, NYU CS Equivalent Course Reason for this transfer request After you provide the CS Department with this information, we will then forward it to our Director of Undergraduate Studies to review and approve. Does not count toward the . This course introduces students to the foundations of computer science. NYU Campus: The Campus of New York University has over 300 student clubs, 13 on-campus food joints and Starbucks NYU Courses: Some of the most popular courses at the University include Humanities, Social Science, Economics and Law. To make room for CS classes, postpone your humanities and other general class requirements to your senior year if possible. DS-GA 1001 Introduction to Data Science; DS-GA 1002 Probability and Statistics for Data Science; DS-GA 1003 Machine Learning; programs, Masters in Computer Science (https://cs. The internship credit will count towards a student's This course offers students a practical, hands-on introduction to the growing field of “Data Science,” and will equip them with the fundamental quantitative and computational analytics used to derive meaningful insight from large, real-world data. edu . This exciting and fast-evolving field of computer science has many recent Although a minimum GPA is required at NYU (as with most majors), there is no cap on the number of CS students so I think that creates a less competitive and more collaborative environment (this is just my opinion). Students interested in taking courses at NYU as a visiting student can find information on the Students can use any graduate course at NYU as free choice courses, but must obtain advisor approval to use a course not on the approved list. 0102), you must have appropriate experience with computer programming, normally using C, C++, Java or Pascal. School of Engineering courses. This course will be counted as an equivalent of CSCI-UA. Major in Computer Science with HONORS (15 Courses) Computer Science Requirements (11) Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard, better known as CS50, is the largest course on the Harvard campus and more than 4,000,000 learners worldwide have registered for the course on edX. The class will begin with introductory Computer Science is an innovative and exciting field that focuses on producing efficient solutions for solving problems in any field. The NYU Tandon School of Engineering also offers a BS/MS Program that enables students to earn both a BS and an MS degree at the same time. Skip to main content The Courant Computer Science department revised our Spring 2023 offerings, following university and CAS guidance, and state and city health and safety guidelines. Minor Prerequisites. The prerequisite for declaring the joint major in mathematics and computer science is completion of either CSCI-UA 101 Intro to Computer Science or CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures (depending on placement) with a C or better. This course is an advanced graduate course in cloud computing and machine learning. Required Courses Course Details; 4 required courses: CS-UH 1001 Introduction to Computer Science CS-UH 1002 Discrete Mathematics CS-UH 1050 Data Structures CS-UH 1052 Algorithms: 1 elective: From within the Computer Science Department, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. Course Description This course is an introductory course in operating systems (OS), focusing on the core concepts of operating systems. If you are an international student entering the US for the first time in Spring 2022 and need a blended or in-person CS course, please reach out to undergrad@cs. (NYU) ★★★★★(1) Advanced Database Administration from New Officially, the only course an incoming CS/CE/ECE major can skip is the very first Intro course with an AP CS exam score of 4 or 5. Course Information. 1170-001 (2698) Fundamental Algorithms Yevgeniy Dodis T 7:10-9:10PM Online . 1170- 001 (8657) Fundamental Algorithms Yevgeniy Dodis W 4:55-6:55PM CIWW 109. This course is an introduction to the field of machine learning, covering fundamental techniques for classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, clustering, and model selection. 2 . 101-001 will be available at 8am NY time/ 9pm Shanghai time; we hope to I hear a lot of flack about NYU CS and how its courses do not teach some of even the most foundational topics. Please review this page for information on Study Abroad The MSCS degree is course-based. To receive a PhD in Computer Science at NYU, a student must: Satisfy a breadth requirement Satisfy a depth requirement Satisfy a teaching requirement Every student must receive a grade of A or A- on the final examination in the Honors Algorithms course. The topics covered include solution of recurrence equations, sorting algorithms, selection, binary search trees and balanced-tree strategies, tree traversal, partitioning, graphs, spanning trees, shortest NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the the College of Arts and Science and one in the Tandon School of Engineering. Master's Degrees. 18 credits computer science electives (usually 6 courses) 5 computer science electives (20 credits) numbered CSCI-UA. I have not taken the two courses you mentioned, but I have heard that Intro to ML is rather math heavy, and Intro to Game Programming requires a substantial group programming project. Of course, applying to internships/jobs is competitive, but there are a lot of opportunities locally (NYC). Computer science focuses on how to design, build, and effectively use the computers and systems that we interact with every day — from the iPhones in our hands to the complex databases in our banks and hospitals There are no Fall 2025 courses scheduled yet * Indicates controlled enrollment (permission number required for registration). 2 For transfer students and students changing major, ECE-UY 1002 is not required. If you want to be a part of all that, Computer Science and Engineering might be the course of study for you. A weak curriculum (will get into that later) gives you a lot more time to focus on other things, whether it be socializing, clubs, exploring NYC, you name it. Students are advised to consult the Schedule of Classes for changes in prerequisites effective after publication of this catalog. edu. The unofficial subreddit for New York University. For MSCS students, these classes would count towards the 21 credits of standard graduate CS classroom-based courses. This website will be updated with guidance regarding Fall 2021 registration once it is available.
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