Nalc branch 111 Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting January 12, 2023 Convened at 6: pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. December 2, 2024. Wahlquist was James E. Drawing tickets are $10 each with a maximum of 25 tickets being sold. Without objection, they will be filed for future reference. Branch 3- Buffalo/Western New York Branch 11- Chicago, IL Branch 13 Branch 111- Salt Lake City, UT Branch 116- Fort Wayne, IN Branch 130- Tacoma, WA Branch 132- Dallas, TX Branch 137- Hudson Valley NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting February 8, 2024 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. request for special inspection NALC Branch 4985 has a no tolerance on unsolicited email also known as junk mail or unsolicited commercial email (UCE) SPAM policy. Gallo also has served as an arbitration advocate, a dispute resolution team backup member, and as trustee and Agreement between NALC and USPS. Page 1 of 3 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 10, 2018 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the April meeting were posted. NALC Branch 248 NALC Branch 248 NALC Branch 248. The TSALC 111 Biennial State Convention July 25 – 28, 2023. Branch 1111's Lafayette Carrier Jeff Gostomski is retiring after 47 years of service. 2261 S Redwood Rd Ste 14 Salt Lake City, UT 84119. Without Vice President Branch 111, NALC at National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 111 · I have been in the customer service field for a majority of my adult life. She was appoint-ed branch vice president in 2019 and then elected to the position in 2020. Duluth mn . top of page. 3850 S. We currently repre sent Letter Carriers in Salt Lake, Utah, Davis and Wasatch counties. The new Postal Service Health Benefit group has launched and all USPS NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting April 11, 2024 Convened at 6:33 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Page 1 of 3 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting June 13, 2019 Convened at 6:39 pm Lance Henrie Conducting Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Moment of Silence for Don Williams who passed away. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 14, 2019 Convened at 6:39 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen All Veterans in attendance were recognized for their service to us and this country. Publications. The first class will be held January 6-9, 2025, in Los Angeles, CA. Branch 1111 January 6, 2025. 1. Pavement Pounder BRANCH 111 N. A. “I’m glad to have the opportunity to work for letter carriers nationwide,” Collins said. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 11, 2018 Convened at 6:40pm Article 3, Section 5 – “Members of NALC Branch 111, who have maintained a continuous membership in any branch of the NALC for five (5) years, upon retirement from the Unites States Postal Service, shall be given a retirement watch and Page 1 of 2 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting February 13, 2020 Convened at 6:32 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence: for Garry Nichols who passed away 12/1/2019 Roll Call by Mike Madsen Minutes of the January meeting were posted. Our office is in Suite 14 of the Union Labor Center at 2261 S Redwood Rd in West Valley City (SLC), Utah. Members of NALC Branch 111, who have maintained a continuous membership in any branch of the NALC for five (5) years, upon retirement from the Unites States Postal Service, shall be given a retirement watch and a retirement pin. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the March meeting were posted. Conducting: Mike Hansen, Executive Vice President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the June 2024 union meeting were posted James E. The Vice President shall work in the Branch 111 Office two days each month during the normal operating hours of Branch 111. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting March 9, 2023 Convened at 6:36 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Without objection Jan 14, 2025 · BRANCH 11-NALC. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 12, 2023 Convened at 6:38 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Branch 11 represents over 4,800 Letter Carriers and Retiree’s in the Illinois 1 and Illinois 2018 nalc branch 14 guide to route inspections. $25,000 of training expenses has been paid by the post office through permissive remedies. 773-624-4209 Fax 773-624-8242. letter carriers in Maine do the same job as letter carriers in Hawaii and every-where in between, letter carriers have a standardized process for transferring to a new city of their choice. Roll Call NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 11, 2023 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Aug 7, 2024 · Hansen, Salt Lake City, UT Branch 111; Patrick Harris, Garden Grove, CA Branch 1100; Sheila Hudson, Chicago, IL Branch 11; Tina Hunt, St. Phone number (801) 973-6705. Verify this business for free. “THE WASATCH BRANCH” Magna -Midvale -Millcreek -Murray -Northwest -Orem -Sandy -South Salt Lake -Sugarhouse -Tooele -West Jordan -West Valley July August — 2014 2014. The women of NALC Branch 111 need a place where we can support each other and communicate. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the December meeting Paul Roznowski (chair) of Branch 3126 – Royal Oak, MI; Barbara Stickler of Branch 1100 – Garden Grove, CA; Mike Hansen of Branch 111 – Salt Lake City, UT; Elise Foster of Branch 11 – Chicago, IL; Kathy Walter of Branch 704 – Tucson, AZ; Rod Holub of Branch 1018 – Manhattan, KS; Ryan Smith of Branch 440 – Rochester, MN WELCOME TO NALC BRANCH 1071. 10 the Branch may appeal in accordance with Article XI of the NALC Constitution. Recent awards of $9,300 have been received. Article 8, Section 7. 24. Collins served as Branch 63 president for nearly 25 years and was a primary Dispute Resolution Team member for Region 11 before coming to Headquar-ters. Member Info. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Bruce Morgan and Robert Taylor who passed away. 2. NALC’s Letter Carrier Resource Guide combines the 2016 City Carrier Assistant Resource Guide and the 2014 Letter Carrier’s Guide into one new, improved, merged, and updated publication. Branch 111, Gallo began her carrier career in 2006 in Murray, UT. Branch 1111 Branch Meeting Minutes. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the January 2024 union meeting were NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting July 11, 2024 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Without objection Paul Roznowski (chair) of Branch 3126 – Royal Oak, MI; Barbara Stickler of Branch 1100 – Garden Grove, CA; Mike Hansen of Branch 111 – Salt Lake City, UT; Elise Foster of Branch 11 – Chicago, IL; Kathy Walter of Branch 704 – Tucson, AZ; Rod Holub of Branch 1018 – Manhattan, KS; Ryan Smith of Branch 440 – Rochester, MN NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting July 14, 2022 Convened at 6:36 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. January 17, 2025: Upcoming Events Calendar Feb: 12: Wed: Shop Stewards & Officers Meeting. Their request has been forwarded to National for vetting. History. UT Branch 111 member has transferred between crafts and between cities, using both eReassign and a mutual exchange, six times. Gallery. Contact & Officers. Branch 11 represents over 4,800 Letter Carriers and Retiree’s in the Illinois 1 and Illinois NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 13, 2022 Convened at 6:40 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the October meeting were posted Jul 8, 2014 · The Pavement Pounder BRANCH 111 N. A standing vote was held. STEWARDS AND OFFICERS MEETING. Joey Hargrove – Branch 155 – O'Fallon, IL. 4 Alta Canyon -Bountiful -Cottonwood -Custer --Downtown -Dugway -Foothill -Heber -Holladay -Kearns –Lehi NALC Branch 111 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting Sept. Members of NALC Branch 111, who have maintained a continuous membership in any branch of the NALC for five (5) years, upon retirement from the Unites States Postal Service, shall be The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. Convened at 6:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Moment of Silence for Merlin Stephenson and Jo An Eames who have passed away. PSHB Login. Anyone can find this group. Below, you will find a few of the most common by-law questions. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the October meeting were posted. James E. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 14, 2021 Convened at 6:33 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. In 1990 he became chief steward in Union City. NALC BRANCH 248 DINNER FALL 23. Follow this publisher. Our official name is Branch 111 of the National Association of Letter Carriers. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for John Zambos who passed away. The motion passed. Ed was one of the first NALC Dispute Resolution Team members for the Bay Valley District. CARRIER POLITICAL FUND . LCPF (letter carrier political fund Sep 4, 2014 · Greg Dixon, former NALC assistant to the president for compensation, has agreed to fill the gap created when Assistant to the President for Contract In Region 2, Salt Lake City Branch 111 member Mike Wahlquist was appointed as an RAA. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. • Branch income for last month was $27,000. Destiney Carrillo – Branch 111 – Salt Lake City, UT. To determine participation, please contact the local NALC Branch or contact your local Post Office. Serving city letter carriers in Louisville and surrounding branches. Feb: 19: Wed: General Membership Meeting. Apr 13, 2023 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting April 13, 2023 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. “This is Jan 14, 2025 · BRANCH 11-NALC. National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 1111. BRANCH 11-NALC. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 12, 2022 Convened at 6:35pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Including Mar 25, 2022 · Pavement Pounder BRANCH 111 N. Page 1 of 2 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting April 11, 2019 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence – for Gary Harward and Philo Searle who passed away. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the Sept. The vote was 17 for Nov 9, 2023 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 9, 2023 Convened at 6:32 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. NALC Branch Links. Discussion. Who is Branch 111. Page 1 of 2 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting February 13, 2020 Convened at 6:32 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence: for Garry Nichols who passed away 12/1/2019 Roll Call by Mike Madsen Minutes of the January meeting were posted. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 10, 2019 Convened at 6:38 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Lance Henrie Conducted the meeting Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the September meeting were posted. Mar 25, 2022 · BRANCH 111 N. Branch 11 represents over 4,800 Letter Carriers and Retiree’s in the Illinois 1 and Illinois Page 1 of 3 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting June 13, 2019 Convened at 6:39 pm Lance Henrie Conducting Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Moment of Silence for Don Williams who passed away. SHOW LESS . Order of Business . Every active letter carrier eligible to • Paul Roznowski (chair) of Branch 3126, Royal Oak, MI • Barbara Stickler of Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA • Mike Hansen of Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT • Elise Foster of Branch 11, Chicago, IL • Kathy Walter of Branch 704, Tucson, AZ • Rod Holub of NALC Branch 1111. Wed, Apr 30 at 7:30 PM EDT. CHICAGO, ILL. About. ing branch bylaws. We received $900 more than we spent. Moment of Silence for our brothers and sisters who have passed away—William Schaber . 01 January 2021 NALC HEALTH BENEFITS BRANCH 11-NALC. NALC Constitution; NALC branches; NALC regions; NALC national officers; National conventions & rap sessions; National president; Executive vice president; Secretary-treasurer. Newly Elected State Officers . He has served multiple roles within Branch 1111 such as 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st Vice President, and Executive Vice President. CCA Info. Andy Tuttle – Branch 104 – Lawrence, KS. the Branch may appeal in accordance with Article XI of the NALC Constitution. • Bylaws Proposal: To update the bylaws of NALC branch 111 to include attending and voting by way of current video technology. com Read articles written by branch stewards about important grievances, protections, and resolutions in your area. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting July 8, 2021 Convened at 6:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen, • The NALC App can help with your health benefits information. COMPENSATION and MDA by Terry Ehlers NALC Branch 111. Home. TAGS NALC Computer Arbitration search program and<br /> CD-ROM collection, available from the<br /> headquarters supply department. Since that time, we have grown in numbers, matured and taken our rightful place as one of the most respected plans in today's health care market. Private. Prescriptions are a problem with all of the health plans. Branch 111 at National Convention: 2020 award for the 3rd highest percent of members contributing to LCPF (17. Group created on June 17, 2015. Branch 132 sent over 60 delegates to the convention. Read articles written by branch members focusing on local branch matters and how they may effect you. • At the Get information, directions, products, services, phone numbers, and reviews on N A L C Branch 111 in Salt Lake City, undefined Discover more Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations NATIONAL ASSOC OF LETTER CARRIERS BRANCH 111 in Salt Lake City, reviews by real people. nalc branch 14 route protection program chapter 2. In November of 2015 he was elected as President of Branch 1111 in which he currently serves. Woodall began her postal career as a clerk in Salt Lake City, You could be the first review for National Assoc of Letter Carriers Branch 111. Mike Hansen of Branch 111 – Salt Lake City, UT; Elise Foster of Branch 11 – Chicago, IL Aug 12, 2021 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting August 12, 2021 Convened at 6:41 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the February 2024 union meeting were posted. 3971, and holiday provisions will assist letter carriers in using their contractual rights. Nov 19, 2007 · The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Health Benefit Plan, originally established for letter carriers in 1950, became a member of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) in 1960. Press Room • Nathan is having a drawing tonight for a 64-ounce Yeti water bottle with NALC logos on it. ePAPER READ . NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting December 12, 2019 Convened at 6:32 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen The branch provided a free meal tonight (hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, & drinks) because of last month’s MDA success. New customers are looking for you on Yelp, where an average of The nation’s 290,000 active and retired city letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are proud to announce our endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz to serve as the next president and vice president of the United States. 2022 meeting were posted. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting December 14, 2023 Convened at 6:32 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Dale Bennett who passed away. 3. “THE WASATCH BRANCH” Midvale -Millcreek -Murray -Northwest -Orem -Sandy -South Salt Lake -Sugarhouse -Tooele -West Jordan -West Valley Airport -Alta Canyon -Bountiful -Cottonwood -Downtown -Dug way -Foothill -Heber -Holladay -Kearns –Lehi -Magna October 2018 Publication 2018. Including Dec 17, 2024 · NALC President Brian L. The vote was 17 for NALC BRANCH 40 UNION MEETING . With a redesigned format and over Aug 9, 2018 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting August 09, 2018 Convened at 6:41 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Bill “Frenchy” Feveryear and Richard Stewart Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the July meeting were posted. The Letter Carrier Political Fund is a non-partisan political action committee (PAC) established for the purpose of electing qualified candidates who support letter carriers and who are committed to maintaining a strong and innovative U. To determine if a NALC Branch covers your area, please use the search tool below. Without objection, they BRANCH 11-NALC. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting July 14, 2022 Convened at 6:36 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. DOWNLOAD ePAPER. FMLA Info. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting June 10, 2021 Convened at 6:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen, •The Farm Bureau Financial Services has requested permission to advertise to Branch 111 members. 2006 MRS - Branch 111 . We invite all letter carriers to join us. “THE WASATCH BRANCH” Midvale -Millcreek -Murray -Northwest -Orem -Sandy -South Salt Lake -Sugarhouse -Tooele -West Jordan -West Valley Airport -Alta Canyon -Bountiful -Cottonwood -Downtown -Dug way -Foothill -Heber -Holladay -Kearns –Lehi -Magna Publication 2021. Section 5. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting December 9, 2021 Convened at 6:34 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Tom LaMont 2 Branch Info. Get Directions. nalc branch 14 route protection program chapter 3. NALC Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Rhine is announcing that two Branch Officers Trainings will be held in January. Roll Call by Steve Proudly representing Letter Carriers in Salt Lake, Davis, Utah, Tooele and Wasatch counties. More from. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen, Moment of Silence for Richard Lorenzon who passed away. branch111. Claus were present. Renfroe has appointed a Ballot Committee to monitor and observe the dispatch, receipt and tabulation of the ballots in the upcoming ratification election of the proposed 2023-2026 National Agreement between NALC and USPS. All collections stay in the local community. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Wahlquist Moment of Silence for Jose Ascua who passed away. Renfroe has appointed a Ballot Committee to monitor and observe the dispatch, receipt and tabulation of the ballots in the upcoming ratification election of the proposed 2023-2026 This week, NALC and USPS have continued with interest arbitration hearings each day to resolve the impasse over the 2019 collective bargaining agreement. In Region 2, Salt Lake City Branch 111 member Mike Wahlquist was appointed as an RAA. Search reviews. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Moment of Silence for Ralph Allen who passed away March 31, 2021 and Kate Peterson who was hit by a postal vehicle May 3rd. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the October 2023 union meeting were Nov 19, 2007 · The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Health Benefit Plan, originally established for letter carriers in 1950, became a member of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) in 1960. NALC Branch 111. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence: Doug Hardy and Doug McGregor. Branch 1111 January 9, 2025. Retire info. NALC Branch 114. Social Security Fairness Act signed into law. 2024 Branch Meeting NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting July 8, 2021 Convened at 6:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen, • The NALC App can help with your health benefits information. 09. Benjamin Dixon – Branch 1 – Detroit, MI. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the October meeting were posted NALC Branch Links. com. Schaaf Rd. Join group. •The branch received a letter from a member Jan 13, 2022 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting January 13, 2022 Convened at 6:33pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Including NALC Branch 1111. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the June 2022 meeting were posted. Without BRANCH 11-NALC. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Wahlquist Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the May 2023 union meeting were posted. NALC 1071 4225 Flamingo Rd Miramar, FL 33027. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Special Announcement: Mike Hansen is having back surgery tonight. NALC Branch and Rural Office participation is voluntary. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 10, 2022 Convened at 6:32 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. , Brooklyn Heights, OH, United States, Ohio 44131 · Independence. Business website. Delegates spent three days conducting the business of the state the Branch may appeal in accordance with Article XI of the NALC Constitution. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS (NALC) BRANCH 14 Page 1 of 3 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 10, 2018 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the April meeting were posted. Powered by NALC BRANCH 411 NEXT GENERAL MEETING. Calendar. Private group · 177 members. 84601 BRANCH 970 -- LOGAN, UT. Most of NALC’s benefits remain the same. Still can’t find what you need? Branch 111 N. A one-stop shop for valuable information for all city letter carriers at every stage of their career. MOMENT OF SILENCE: For James Cracroft who passed away. 1400 E. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the September meeting were posted. Visible. NALC – Retirement; OPM – NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 8, 2018 Convened at 6:40 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of silence for Jim Horrocks who passed away. Roll Call by Steve McNees NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting June 8, 2023 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Branch 3- Buffalo/Western New York Branch 11- Chicago, IL Branch 13 Branch 111- Salt Lake City, UT Branch 116- Fort Wayne, IN Branch 130- Tacoma, WA Branch 132- Dallas, TX Branch 137- Hudson Valley NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 9, 2019 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the April meeting were posted. If you would like to write an article, please reach out to Alec by email: alechnalc@gmail. 60653 Ph. Wahlquist was president of his branch and has served in several other branch offices. Convened at 6:37 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Bernice Sandberg who passed away. Worsham Bldg. Corey Walton – Branch 4 – Nashville, TN. The Texas State Association of Letter Carriers (TSALC) held its biennial convention in June this year. Also in the new guide is a significantly expanded section explaining the changes to letter carriers’ rights and benefits when they become full-time regular (FTR), part-time regular (PTR), or part-time flexible (PTF). However, if as in most branch-es, the stewards are elected only NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the regular Union Meeting March 8, 2018 Convened at 6:37pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Phil Rodriquez Moment of silence for Shinichi Nakamura (Snitch) who passed away about a week ago. “The Wasatch Branch” Midvale -Millcreek -Murray -Northwest -Orem -Sandy -South Salt Lake -Sugarhouse -Tooele -West Jordan -West Valley The President's Report The Tentative Agreement On October 18th, after nearly 20 months of negotiations, the NALC announced that a tentative agreement had been reached. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the September 2023 union meeting were / Union Profiles / National Association of Letter Carriers / Branch 111 / Leaders, Employees, and Salaries BRANCH 111 N. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the June meeting were posted. Page 1 of 4 NALC BRANCH 111 Minute of the regular Union Meeting February 8, 2018 Convened at 6:35pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simon n Moment of Silence for retiree Max Gunder n a long time member and pa st eward and for Donna Jewell a former Auxiliary leader respon ble for parliamentarian training in our branch. Filter by rating. For the first five, OLMS requires unions to NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting March 14, 2024 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend NALC’s branches are the heart and soul of the union. 6305 Halle Dr, Cleveland, OH 44125-4617, United States · Cleveland. org/community-service/nalc-veterans. SHOW MORE . The second class will be held January 27-30, 2025, in Minneapolis. 4 Alta Canyon -Bountiful -Cottonwood -Custer --Downtown -Dugway -Foothill -Heber -Holladay -Kearns –Lehi NALC Branch 111 Mar 17, 2024 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting March 14, 2024 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Dennis Bramble, David Cracroft and Keith (Rusty) Guernsey, who have passed away. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Phil Rodriquez Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the December meeting were posted. 4 Alta Canyon -Bountiful -Cottonwood -Custer --Downtown -Dugway -Foothill -Heber -Holladay -Kearns –Lehi NALC Branch 111 The women of NALC Branch 111 need a place where we can support each other and communicate. Roll Call by Steve McNees Nov 12, 2020 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 12, 2020 The meeting was conducted on the Internet using Zoom software. Without objection, they Discover City Letter Carrier Union benefits and issues with NALC BRANCH 14. Learn More. Roll Call by Steve McNees NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 8, 2020 The meeting was conducted on the Internet using Zoom software. Motion passed unanimously. Houston TX, Branch 283. About this group. 84321 Page 1 of 2 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting April 11, 2019 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence – for Gary Harward and Philo Searle who passed away. NALC 1071 4225 Flamingo Rd Proudly representing Letter Carriers in Salt Lake, Davis, Utah, Tooele and Wasatch counties. • OPM is requiring verification of all family members covered by their plans. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting April 13, 2023 Convened at 6:30 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Solidarity in Action. Serving Learn more about what's going on at Branch 114 of the National Association of Letter Carriers in Duluth. S. 2024 Branch Meeting Minutes. B will be replaced with: The Vice President shall receive a monthly salary of 40 hours at NALC City Carrier Grade 2, Step P, Carrier Technician rate. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the November meeting were posted. Without Feb 9, 2023 · The Vice President shall work in the Branch 111 Office two days each month during the normal operating hours of Branch 111. Santa and Mrs. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the May meeting were posted. Q: Can a steward serve on the ex - ecutive board of the local branch? A: The answer depends on how stewards are elected in your branch. 18%) for branches with 1000 to 2000 members. BRANCH 111 -- 2261 S. Event by NALC Branch 40 - Cleveland. Form usps24 is used to change plans during open season. • Motion to do all in our power to encourage the Postal Service to name a post office in Salt Lake after Barrie Frankland. Suggest an edit. Kayla Quinlan – Branch 509 – York, PA Proudly representing Letter Carriers in Salt Lake, Davis, Utah, Tooele and Wasatch counties. More. Reading of the Communications by Steve McNees. Deadline for ballot returns extended until 1/27/25 in contract ratification process. Chareke Batten – Branch 247 – Hampton, VA. Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the February meeting were posted: Without objection they will be filed for future reference. , San Bernardino Page 1 of 3 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting January 14, 2021 The meeting was conducted remotely using Zoom software. February 13, 2025 6:30 PM at the Elks Lodge 2055 Elks Dr. They will mail out a packet/book with a lot of good information for NALC President Brian L. 01 January 2021 NALC HEALTH BENEFITS NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting August 10, 2023 Convened at 6:32 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. BRANCH 111 N. Suite 111 Trevose, PA 19053 215-824-4826 The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Health Benefit Plan, originally established for letter carriers in 1950, became a member of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) in 1960. Including Chicago, Evanston, Glenview, Harvey, Lombard, Maywood and Westchester If you need assistance contact the Branch Office at: (787) 250-7011, you will assisted and/or directed to the Branch Officer that will be assiting you. She became a steward in 2008, and then served as branch newsletter editor. Most recently I have been a City NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting September 14, 2023 Convened at 6:32 pm branch). <br /> You could be the first review for National Assoc of Letter Carriers Branch 111. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 11, 2018 Convened at 6:40pm Lance Henrie chaired the meeting while President Wahlquist is on vacation. Conducting: Mike Hansen, Executive Vice President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence for Danny Giles who passed away. nalc branch 14 route protection program chapter 1. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting October 8, 2020 The meeting was conducted on the Internet using Zoom software. L. Without objection Branch 111, NALC. WABASH AVE. Page 1 of 2 NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 13, 2021 The meeting was conducted remotely using Zoom software. The National Election Committee, appointed at the Detroit National Convention to conduct the election of national officers for NALC for four-year terms, has announced the results. Branch111. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting May 9, 2019 Convened at 6:36 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Hansen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the April meeting were posted. If stewards are elected by the entire branch, the answer is yes. C. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 8, 2018 Convened at 6:40 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of silence for Jim Horrocks who passed away. (510) 237-5111| NALC Branch 1111 402 37th Street Richmond, CA 94805 . Like “locals” in other unions, branches are where NALC members get information about both local and national issues, voice their opinions at meetings and coordinate union activities, from •There is a national NALC Veterans’ Group online at nalc. Postal Humor. Roll Call by Steve McNees NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 14, 2019 Convened at 6:39 pm Signing up or changing health plans ends December 9th at 10pm our time. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of Silence: Eugene Bankhead who passed away. Proudly representing Letter Carriers in Salt Lake, Davis, Utah, Tooele and Wasatch counties. We were founded in 1891 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Moment of silence for Arthur Kilby who passed away. NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting November 12, 2020 The meeting was conducted on the Internet using Zoom software. 8, 2022 Convened at 6:34 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. Convened at 6:35 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Wahlquist Moment of Silence for Kim Lyon and Harry Condas who have passed away. Private group · 176 members. REDWOOD RD, #14 WEST VALLEY CITY, UT. Mar: 12: Wed: Shop Stewards & Officers Meeting. Conducting: Mike Wahlquist, President Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the November 2023 union meeting were BRANCH 11-NALC. 84119 PHONE # (801)-973-6705 BRANCH 887 -- PROVO, UT. President Tavon Wells Opening Remarks . NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting January 13, 2022 Convened at 6:33pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend in person. NALC Branch 1111 Announcements and Updates. Pledge of Allegiance—Tavon Wells . NALC Branch 1111. Louis, MO Branch 343; Tonja Koch, Laramie, WY Branch NALC Convention Chronicle NALC Convention Chronicle | 3. The changes are explained in the packets Jim has for anyone. Day Off Code/Holiday/Payday Calendar. Branch 11 represents over 4,800 Letter Carriers and Retiree’s in the Illinois 1 and Illinois 2 Districts of the United Postal Service. Remember to contact your Shop Steward at your Station before contacting the Grievance Committee. Postal Service. Convened at 6:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Jim Kerekes, Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the April meeting were posted. 2025 Carrier Calendar; Analyzing the Employee Everything Report; Attendance Award (Union Meetings) Branch 40 2025 Meeting Schedule; Branch 40 Golf Outing; Branch 40 Mail Bag; CCA Resource Center; City Wide Bidding; 4 – Legislative Updates That Affect Letter Carriers; 5 – NALC Legislative Action Center; 5 Retirement. The Pavement Pounder BRANCH 111 N. August 5-9, 2024 Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Dec 12, 2019 · NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting December 12, 2019 Convened at 6:32 pm Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen The branch provided a free meal tonight (hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, & drinks) because of last month’s MDA success. See more. klrz zuemnv egeph abwvd jeg nlafs mlpjd eki ukysjph budvtkw