K6se flag antenna. com • 2008 N4IS developed the Horizontal flag array .

K6se flag antenna 20 FOOT 6-30 METER HIGH PERFORMANCE COMMERCIAL DUTY FLAGPOLE ANTENNA View Details; 24 FOOT 10-40 Active Antenna for AM-FM-SW - This simple little circuit can be used for AM, FM, Active Antenna, easy to build - When fate or nasty neighbors prevent you. I took John's Delta-Ewe and, with the feedpoint and termination locatedat the bottom corners of the triangle, I used EZNEC to optimize thedesign • 2000 QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground- Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" • 2003 NX4D developed the first dual flag vertical array • 2006 N4IS developed the BIG flag vertical array >> www. The improvement in RDF over a single flag of similar size is about 2. The brochure described various arrays of receiving loop antennas. Topband: Clipperton 2000, Wil DJ7AA; Topband: Clipperton 2000, k6se@juno. The July 2000 issue of QST magazine published an article by Earl W. The Delta is a modification ofthe "delta-shaped Ewe loop" shown in figure 7-66 on page 7-51 of ON4UN'snew Low-Band DXing book. 23. Path: Copied! Products Open Source Solutions Learn Docs Pricing; Downloads Contact us Sign in; Receive only Antenna This first picture shows the support elements for flag The assembled flag laying on the driveway first Flag had a heavy duty and heavy 1" boom plywood at each end with U-bolts to hold pvc pipes in place which are used as spreaders Post sunset this is A few additional comments in the discussion of RX antennas: The broadband feedpoint Z, termination and pattern of K6SE's optimized pennant and flag designs is quite elegant. 125, is quite close to K6SE’s 2. free-standing flagpole antenna is . I get the impression that a rumor has been circulated that an article has be published about the Pennant. Low Band DX Antennas - RX DXE NCC-2 Common Mode Chokes and RBOG Boxes RX Phased Vertical Tuned Circuits KY6R Optimized K6SE Dual Feed Flag. thanks to Earl (K6SE) who is now a SK for originally introducing large stationary Pennants and Flags to the ham radio Few years later, Earl K6SE QST July 2000, working with EA3VY came up with an improved ground independent Low Band Receiving Antenna which was called a Flag Antenna. fm antenna, fm antenna diy, fm antenna length, General info on the flag antennas Performance Listening test and other observations Homemade How to make your own Flag Matching Earl Cunningham, K6SE: Experiences from the initial testing in the real world of the Pennant design. Ken Alexander had good results with a Pennant measuring It is a close relative of the Pennant and Flag antennas, which are ground-independent relatives of the Ewe. but Rebuilding a Receiving Flag Antenna for 160M Steve Lawrence WB6RSE July 2015 QST pp 35-38. Flag antennas that act as a pair of short ver - ticals were a step forward. S. Another advance has been to combine sig- E. Testing both antennas back and forth my observations are as follows: Topband: Delta-ewe by K6SE, pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. The options may be chosen on the product page Antenna Flag With 32″ Sleeve K6SE's 160M Delta Receiving Antenna Used By FO0AAA (posted on the TopBand Reflector) Several subcribers inquired about the Delta 160-meter receiving antenna used at FO0AAA. For the impedance matching The "FLAG" and "PENNANT" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. . The S/N improvement will be even more significant due to the sharpening of the lobe. com <= Topband antenna mail list, November, 2000 My suggestion is to use the exact measurements and techniques described by K6SE, Earl Cunningham, for the Pennant transformer. The class of antennas discussed comprises single- Tired of long and meandering gab sessions on what should be a short, sweet and simple explanation? -- well, in my 3 minute series coming to this channel, I t Antennas found in this group were only available by purchasing the NBA Flag Pack. The transformers are wound on type 43 material as per the classical K6SE design, and the feedline is dropped vertically to the ground from the plastic box that holds the transformer and the relay. 3. The antenna is simple to construct, is earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. -- Read more -- George Maroti: The Flag antenna is particularly good for DX-ing in specific direction. Introduction. 99 (15% off) FREE shipping Add to The problem stems from common mode excitation of the antenna, in which it behaves like a bent monopole with an elevated feedpoint: * * * * * * -----*----- Ground K6SE reports the gain of the pennant and flag as about -36 and -30 dBi respectively, over average ground. The Flag, Delta, Kaz, and Pennant antennas are in this category. It is a close relative of the Pennant and Flag antennas, which are ground-independent relatives of the Ewe. Actually, the Flag is probably the best of all configurations from a standpoint of broadbandedness and gain. Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas,” QST, Jul 2000, pp 34 – 37. 99. While the Pennant Here is a compendium of information about these excellent low-noise receive antennas. It is the exact size of the so-called magnetic loops, – 5 ft per side, 20 ft total wire, and about 7. The gain of the antenna is about -34. Use equal-length feedlines to each Flag. It is a close relative of the Pennant and Flag antennas, which The July 2000 issue of QST magazine published an article by Earl W. Earl also JF1DMQ wrote an earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. There was no significant difference in the pattern. While the Pennant is easier to build, the Flag is symmetrical and therefor If you have a problem with a flag or pennant, look to the transformer! CM W7IUV Rotatable Receiving Flag CM at 10 m CM by Upgrading from the rotatable Flag by W7IUV, and the original K6SE design, to the “Waller Flag”, an end-fire rotatable two loops array by NX4D and N4IS. The intention was also to bury 20 mm flexible tubes in the ground for housing the coaxial and 12 V Pennant Antenna with Remote Termination Control. 4 feet long (1 by 5 m). Articles About Ham Radio Homebrewing Nashua Area Radio Club. During several months I have planned to erect a second Flag antenna perpendicular to the first one and also rebuild the existing antenna with high quality relays instead of the very cheap relays used. His was only 3. dxcentralonline. of little concern where antenna gains begin at -30 dBi, and preamps are a must. Introducing the amazing SULA: An affordable unidirectional DX-grade loop antenna that you can build! The SWLing Post. 00 – $ 28. 1 ft wingspan. A Flag Antenna For Medium Wave. It’s far and away the simplest, easiest to build, Flag antenna report By George Maroti Topband mail list, November 25, 1999 My flag was built to the exact dimensions specified by Earl K6SE, (14 feet high by 29 feet long, mounted 6 feet above ground). Part 1 - Modeling with EZNEC By Pierluigi “Luis” Mansutti IV3PRK The antenna’s scene environment In the “Study on interactions between antennas on low bands” of summer 2004, I modeled I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail asking about “the published article” on the Pennant and Flag receiving antennas. To my knowledge, only three Pennants are presently in existence: two at K6NDV and one at K6SE. P. com (Earl W Cunningham) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 23:32:58 EDT: Dear Peter, VK3APN, OM, I nreference to your question about a suiteable mast to support a rotatable Flag antenna, I added a 20. Save 15% at checkout. Sergio Cartoceti 2002-10-10 19:01:11 UTC. This design is presented only as a suggestion; one form of Bologna - Italy Oct 10, 2002 Following 11 -13 september postings by: Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (gary nichols) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Tom Rauch) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Maurizio Panicara) and Following 28 september messages by: Pennant XFMR help (Luis Mansutti IV3PRK) Re: Pennant XFMR help (k6se@juno. As I have become more acclimated to my environment, I decided to put up a 10-80 Carolina Windom at about 40 feet. The options may be chosen on the product page Antenna Flag With 32″ Sleeve Topband: Delta-ewe by K6SE, pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. 3 feet by 16. Any thoughts? Thank y’all for the help with this in advance! Antenna Flag With Clip $ 18. It Flag Antenna Construction and Test Results Mark Connelly, WA1ION – 18 JUL 2002 The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart- capture, of course, is greater as the area enclosed by the antenna is increased. 3 by 8. The options may be chosen on the product page Antenna Flag With 32″ Sleeve American Flag Antenna, Car Truck 5. I feel they operate similar to phased arrays. 94 $ 6. The earliest delta flag antenna I am aware of was designed by K6SE and constructed by ON4UN for use by FO0AAA some time before June 2000. Cunningham, K6SE, entitled "Flags, Pennants, and Other Great antenna, easy to build George Maroti: The Flag antenna is particularly good for DX-ing in specific direction. ON4UN also mentioned the project idea on his book. The Waller Flag is basically two flag Peter, VK3APN wrote: >My thanks to Earl K6SE for publicising the Pennant antenna, which is >reminiscent of a short terminated vee or half-rhombic. com • 2008 N4IS developed the Horizontal flag array • The Waller Flag antenna is very quiet and has a This antenna is very simple – it’s a mini diamond Flag – with a 660 ohm terminating resistor and a 16:1 transformer. com (k6se@juno. Triangle Antenna Triangle Height 5. com) Dear topband Flag Antenna Construction and Test Results Mark Connelly, WA1ION – 18 JUL 2002 The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart- capture, of course, is greater as the area enclosed by the antenna is increased. Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Antenna Flag With Clip $ 18. I was able to add the info about the antenna just before the publishing deadline. 4. Its name comes from its horizontal K6SE. The options may be chosen on the product page Semi Stock Blank Antenna Flags with Clip $ 4. 73, de Earl “A Disguised Flagpole Antenna” by Albert Parker, N4AQ “An All-Band Attic Antenna” by Kai Siwiak, KE4PT “Apartment Dweller Slinky Jr Antenna” by Arthur Peterson, W7CZB Pennants and Other Ground‐Independent Low‐Band Receiving Antennas” by Earl Cunningham, K6SE “Introducing the Shared Apex Loop Array” by Mark Bauman, KB7GF “Is This EWE for You?” end of the antenna (the same as with the Pennant, Flag, or Ewe). QSL in the mail : 9X0R for Earl Cunningham, K6SE: Rope attachment at the feedpoint end of the antenna is necessary for the Delta configuration of the antenna and for the point-fed Pennant and Diamond. The Flag has about 6 dB more Phased Delta Flag Arrays Dallas Lankford, 2/21/09, rev. The Delta is a modification of the "delta-shaped Ewe loop" shown in figure 7-66 on page Phased Delta Flag Arrays Dallas Lankford, 2/21/09, rev. eMail Subscription Registered users are allowed to subscribe to specific review topics and receive eMail notifications when new reviews are posted. $20. That configuration also works quite well, but the rectangular Flag antenna looks just as good. It By Earl Cunningham, K6SE Topband Antenna mail list, November, 2000 Gerry Kersus, W1GD posted a message about a problem matching his Pennant antennas using the transformer described in the July 2000 issue of QST. 98 $ 11. Alignment Early notes on the Pennant By Earl Cunningham, K6SE Flag and Pennant mail list, November 3, 2000 When I initially tested the computer model Pennant design in the real world (and after detuning my 160 and 80-meter verticals), the F/B tested on-the-air with a local ham about 5 miles away almost exactly as it did in the computer, about 35 to 45 dB F/b. So my question is will a aluminum flag pole cause any I interference? I was thinking I could attach some pvc pipe or something like that to raise the antenna away from the pole. FREE shipping Add to Favorites G128 Combo Pack: USA American Flag Topband: Delta-ewe by K6SE, pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. 7 out of 5 stars. 73, de Earl, K6SE Rotatable Flag Antenna by Larry Molitor - W7IUV Published with permission; more on W7IUV's home page email w7iuv@arrl. This is a scaled down version of the W2PM Mini Diamond Receiving Flag antenna, which was based on an idea by K6SE. Flags, Pennants, and other Ground Independent Low Band Receiving Antennas Earl Cunningham K6SE July 2000 pp 34-37 I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail asking about “the published article” on the Pennant and Flag receiving antennas. My own modelling of these antennas confirms these USA Patriotic American Flag Car Decor Antenna Topper Auto Accessory (3-in-1) Visit the Tenna Tops Store. end of the antenna (the same as with the Pennant, Flag, or Ewe). Can I make the loop larger, smaller or a different shape? Rotatable Flag by Larry - W7IUV The "FLAG" and "PENNANT" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. This antenna is very simple – it’s a mini diamond Flag – with a 660 ohm terminating resistor and a 16:1 transformer. I'll repeat the usual caution regarding all ground-independent RX antennas K6SE's 160M Delta Receiving Antenna Used By FO0AAA (posted on the TopBand Reflector) Several subcribers inquired about the Delta 160-meter receiving antenna used at FO0AAA. 88 m / 16 ft. net The "Flag" and "Pennant" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show The optimized terminating resistor was 486 Ohms (for best F/B, average soil). I set up a Flag Antenna at my home QTH in Billerica, MA (25 km northwest of Boston). The antenna is simple to construct, is relatively small, and has no direct The "Flag" and "Pennant" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. While the Pennant is easier to build, the Flag is symmetrical and therefor adaptable to a rotatable configuration. It's taken me almost a year, but I've finished constructing and comparing all four of K6SE's ground independent RX antennas. com. Bologna - Italy Oct 10, 2002 Following 11 -13 september postings by: Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (gary nichols) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Tom Rauch) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Maurizio Panicara) and Following 28 september messages by: Pennant XFMR help (Luis Mansutti IV3PRK) Re: Pennant XFMR help (k6se@juno. , Doug Waller <= This new Flag antenna works very well with excellent signal/noise characteristics from LF up to 26 Mhz and beyond. Topband: pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. I have been using one for some months now. -- Read more - Flags and Pennants – Introduction by K6SE. Lawrence, WB6RSE, “A Roof Mount for a . K6SE's 160m optimized versions The "FLAG" and "PENNANT" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. Add to Favorites Walt Disney World Theme Parks Mexican Flag Antenna Topper Brand New (62) $ 14. 73, Don (wd8dsb) ENGIRETTE American Flag Antenna with Tire Valve Caps for Jeep Wrangler Gladiator JL JK JT Rubicon Sahara Unlimited Sport 4xe Willys Mojave 2007-2024 Short Antenna Replacement Jeep Wrangler Accessories. 2000 QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" 2003 NX4D developed the No-radial, 21 ft. 30 – $ 12. 5m (18'4“) Bottom Wire Height 3m (10') Bottom Wire Length 8m (26'6“) Construction Width 3m (10') struts/guys Wire 4mm Cu Load 820-850 ohm Feed 800 ohm Earl Cunningham, K6SE: Experiences from the initial testing in the real world of the Pennant design. We have seen them presented by our trusted teachers in recent artieles in Amateur Radio publications. com) Dear topband 1 Rx antennas at IV3PRK: the Waller Flag Upgrading from the rotatable Flag by W7IUV, and the original K6SE design, to the “Waller Flag”, an end-fire rotatable two loops array by NX4D and N4IS. I've had K9AY Loops up before, and have also tried a pair of top fed EWE's and the K6SE Optimized earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. org VDC-Beam. Part 1 - Modeling with EZNEC By Pierluigi “Luis” Mansutti IV3PRK The antenna’s scene environment In the “Study on interactions between antennas on low bands” of summer 2004, I I designed the Flag in the computer using non-metallic supports, but I just modeled it using a metallic mast and metallic boom, with both grounded (but insulated from the antenna wire, of course). We have worked with Beverages, EWE, the delta-EWE by K6SE -a variation of pennant-flag antennas and K9AY loops. 2000 QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" 2003 NX4D developed the The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart-shaped, single-direction null) pick-up pattern. 00. and a vertical dimension of 4. K6NDV also has a K9AY loop installed and he reports that the Pennant is several magnitudes better. Here is a link to an article on Kaz and SuperKaz antennas by Rebuilding a Receiving Flag Antenna for 160M Steve Lawrence WB6RSE July 2015 QST pp 35-38. Low k6se flag antenna. Remotely controlled Pennant antenna -- antenna special on. For By Earl Cunningham, K6SE Topband Antenna mail list, November, 2000 Gerry Kersus, W1GD posted a message about a problem matching his Pennant antennas using the transformer described in the July 2000 issue of QST. A Receiving Antenna That Rejects Local The Flag, although a very good directional receiving antenna, does not avail itself to use in a switchable configuration of two or more Flags erected very closely to each other. No, you need a tuner and c I use a Dentron MT-3000A and this will tune a mattress. 2x6 inch 2-Pack American Flag Blue Line Stickers for 2017-2024 Honda CRV Shark Fin Antenna (auto suv police cop flag usa decal vinyl) (719) Sale Price $5. but “A Disguised Flagpole Antenna” by Albert Parker, N4AQ “An All-Band Attic Antenna” by Kai Siwiak, KE4PT “Apartment Dweller Slinky Jr Antenna” by Arthur Peterson, W7CZB Pennants and Other Ground‐Independent Low‐Band Receiving Antennas” by Earl Cunningham, K6SE “Introducing the Shared Apex Loop Array” by Mark Bauman, KB7GF “Is This EWE for You?” K6SE 2000-06-04; Delta RX Antenna used at FO0AAA; I was mistaken when I wrote that the Delta rx antenna used at FO0AAA for 160-meters would not be covered in the article about Pennant & Flag rx antennas which will appear in next month's (July) QST. The Pennant also has this problem if the Pennants are erected with their vertical sections close together (as one might do with switchable Pennants which are fed in the centers of their vertical sections). However, it makes sense to remove all losses possible, and the requirement Bologna - Italy Oct 10, 2002 Following 11 -13 september postings by: Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (gary nichols) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Tom Rauch) Re: Flag Xfmr Measurements (Maurizio Panicara) and Following 28 september messages by: Pennant XFMR help (Luis Mansutti IV3PRK) Re: Pennant XFMR help (k6se@juno. 4 K6SE. Low Flag antenna report By George Maroti Topband mail list, November 25, 1999 My flag was built to the exact dimensions specified by Earl K6SE, (14 feet high by 29 feet long, mounted 6 feet above ground). Additionally, one standard NBA flag is provided for free without the DLC and can be found Schematic and parts used for reversing direction of a Flag-antenna. 94 $ 5. Flag Antenna Construction and Test Results. 5 dBi, so a receive preamp should be used with the antenna. com> Subject: : Topband: Ewe, Flag, and Pennant questions for the experts: From: : k6se@juno. 99 Original Price $6. - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2010-06-09, direction 210/300/30/120 - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2010-06-08, direction 300/120 - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2008-09-18, direction 30/210 Some hints found on Array Solutions website regarding K9AY antennas also equally valid for Flag-antennas. 07 value. 99 $ 20. The antenna is resonant on 10, 12 20 and 30 meters with very minimal SWR. Low Band DX Antennas - RDF. In the Pennant, the top and bottom sloping wires are the other vertical Buy Quansheng UV-K5 Walkie Talkie Antenna UV-K58 UV-K6 Original Dual Band UHF VHF 144/430Mhz SMA-Female Aerial UV-5R Plus 19CM Radio at Aliexpress for . 5’’ Antenna Wash-Proof Radio Antenna Aluminum Short Antenna Truck Exterior Decoration Accessories AM/FM Radio Signal for SUV Truck Most Auto Cars Antenna. Flags and Pennants have about 35 dB or so of signal loss compared to your TX antenna, so K6SE's 160M Delta Receiving Antenna Used By FO0AAA (posted on the TopBand Reflector) Several subcribers inquired about the Delta 160-meter receiving antenna used at FO0AAA. Earl also presented an array of two phased flags with a nice diagram. earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. 38 Customize This product has multiple variants. Ranked highest output to lowest: 1) Flag 2) Pennant 3) Delta 4) Diamond No secrets here, it's just as the models predicted. , Doug Waller <= Free Shipping - DX Engineering NOISELOOP Portable Receive Flag Antenna Kit with qualifying orders of $99. Published May 16, 2012. com "DX Central - because we're all about But I haven’t been able to find anything on mounting a antenna at the top of a flag pole. I use ferrite beads - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2010-06-09, direction 210/300/30/120 - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2010-06-08, direction 300/120 - Flag Ant reversal 1566 kHz, 2008-09-18, direction 30/210 Some hints found on Array Solutions website regarding K9AY antennas also equally valid for Flag-antennas. 4 4. 20' DX Flagpole Antenna, VDA (Vertical Dipole Antenna) Premium Flagpole Kit (Flag, truck, cleat, clips, lanyard) - ($95 value) Greyline DX Premium Feed Kit ($95 value) RF Choke ($95 value) Ground Mount Kit ($200) Pro Tip: Add Mini After reading a draft of the first half of this article, antenna guru K6SE cautioned that gain is not really an issue in a receiving antenna since actually hearing the signal was dependant upon the signal-to-noise ratio rather than the absolute gain of the antenna. n4is. For the impedance matching transformer I used an FT114-43 toroid, with 35 turns of #24 insulated solid copper (telephone) wire to the antenna, Build the second Flag as an exact duplicate of your existing Flag, including termination resistor value and matching transformer. , Sergio Cartoceti. Antenna output to the receiver will be 3 dB greater than with a single Flag. I get the [] Published May 17, 2012. I also made a similar Q I worked a fellow on 160 meters recently and he said that he was using a “shunt-fed tower. The primary reason this design was chosen by the FO0AAA team was that it was an easily-erected and easily-rotated directional receiving antenna. Visit Our Blog: OnAllBands – Ham Radio News, Tech Tips, Interviews, Articles & Visit DX Central for more DX tips, airchecks and educational resources for the AM and FM Dxer: www. In fact the late great K6SE's mini diamond loop is the same size and offers all the usual advantages of cardiodal patterns and fairly low take off angle. For the impedance matching transformer I used an FT114-43 toroid, with 35 turns of #24 insulated solid copper (telephone) wire to the antenna, This design is essentially two half delta loops that are interconnected to create a single antenna, with one transformer and one load resistor. 2 out of 5 stars. I designed my portable DF antenna as a rectangle because I wanted the most gain possible that would still fit easily in my car. The shunt-feeding system shown in Antenna Book Table 4. 89. Things don't always work as expected. ” Great as this idea may sound, home brewing a well-disguised yet efficient HF flagpole antenna isn’t as easy Flags and Pennants – Introduction by K6SE. answer each Remotely controlled Pennant antenna By Mark Connelly, WA1ION July 19, 2000 The July 2000 issue of QST magazine published an article by Earl W. 07 was arrived-at by EZNEC analysis. For those cases there is a handy CLI flag, --http-debug, that is good to be aware of. 5 dB. Anyway, the main disadvantage is the need This is highly inspired from K6SE flag antenna, but I wanted to make it shorter Editer l'article Suivre ce blog Administration Connexion + Créer mon blog. The following is a summary of the performance of those antennas operated at my QTH. The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart-shaped, single-direction null) pick-up pattern. The reason for the Pennant and Flag Few years later, Earl K6SE QST July 2000, working with EA3VY came up with an improved ground independent Low Band Receiving Antenna which was called a Flag Antenna. The class of antennas discussed comprises single- Flag and Pennant Antenna mail list, November 4, 2000 Here in the UK (G4VGO) and in Ireland (EI7IU) I have used both the flag and the pennant with very good results. The Flag Antenna I installed used a horizontal dimension of 10. Here is a link to an article on Kaz and SuperKaz antennas by Few years later, Earl K6SE QST July 2000, working with EA3VY come up with an improved project ground independent Low Band Receiving Antenna and Earl K6SE called it a Flag Antenna. Bologna - Italy Oct 10, 2002 Following 11 -13 september postings by: Antenna for HOA ; 43 foot vertical antenna ; 33 foot multiband vertical antenna ; Showing all 3 results. 28' DX Flagpole Vertical Dipole Antenna; Premium Flagpole Kit (Flag, truck, cleat, clips, lanyard) - ($95 value) Greyline DX Feed Kit ($95 value) RF Choke Kit ($95 value) Ground Sleeve Mounting Kit ($225) Pro Tip: Add Mini or Maxi RF AGAS USA Antenna Flag For Cars with Gold Fringe 4x6 inch Printed Single Sided Polyester - Stitched Edges - Plastic Mounting Clip - Gold Fringed American Patriotic Flag for Automobiles - Waves in the wind as you drive. and 80m:input transformer data. What ham hasn’t looked at a flagpole and thought, “That would make a great HF antenna. None the less if you are really very local challenged this antenna can be quite helpful but a small flag or pennant is clearly superior. The K6SE ratio of 29/14 or 2. 00. It includes all 30 NBA teams in the form of antenna flags. The Double Half-Delta Phased Delta Flag Arrays Dallas Lankford, 2/21/09, rev. The Waller Flag is basically two flag antennas phased 180 To: <topband@contesting. Its H/V ratio, 2. Mark Connelly, WA1ION - 19 JUL 2000 Introduction. Thanx loads to Earl K6SE for the design. Cunningham, K6SE, entitled "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low Band Receiving Antennas". K6SE's 160m optimized versions are 14 by 29 feet (4. It is actually a Ewe, or Flag are traveling wave antennas like the Beverage. 8m). 7. The antennas were manufactured and marketed by a Canadian manufacturer for commercial and military use. Its name comes from its horizontal Garriga, EA3VY and Earl Cunningham, K6SE. Articles About Ham Reviews For: AS-AYL-4 the True K9AY DX antenna with optional Wire/Mast Kit Category: Antennas: VLF/LF/HF Receive only. com) Dear topband Small Receiving Antennas 4 to 9 dB RDF 4 dB: Bidirectional 8 foot diameter “magnetic” loop close to the ground 5 dB: Single vertical antenna (short vertical or ¼ wavelength vertical) 6 dB: 225 foot Beverage on Ground (BOG) 6 dB: 250 to 400 foot Beverage about 7 feet high 7 dB: Unidirectional terminated small loop flag, pennant, EWE, VE3DO 1995 JF1DMQ wrote an earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. Shop HF Receive Antennas at DX Engineering. , Doug Waller <= To my knowledge, only three Pennants are presently in existence: two at K6NDV and one at K6SE. The Delta is a modification of the "delta-shaped Ewe loop" shown in figure 7-66 on page 7-51 of ON4UN's new Low-Band DXing book. While it was designed for the 160 meter ham band, it probably worked well in the MW band. $12. 28. Ken Alexander had good results with a Pennant measuring It is a close relative of the Pennant and Flag antennas, which areground-independent relatives of the Ewe. While the Pennant Antenna with Remote Termination Control. inexpensive, works all HF bands, and is neighbor/CC&R proof. 4/23/10 The delta antenna is a variant of the flag antenna. There is some variation in the permeability factor in the FT-140-43 core and I'm working with the factory on that right now. By John Portune W6NBC . Early notes on the Pennant By Earl Cunningham, K6SE Flag and Pennant mail list, November 3, 2000 When I initially tested the computer model Pennant design in the real world (and after detuning my 160 and 80-meter verticals), the F/B tested on-the-air with a local ham about 5 miles away almost exactly as it did in the computer, about 35 to 45 dB F/b. 08 Customize This product has multiple variants. Cunningham, K6SE, “Flag, Pennants and . K6SE Flag •By accident –I had my antenna switch to the wrong antenna and found that my DX Engineering 40M phased array worked as well as my modified K6SE Flag and NCC-2. Like K9AY, this antenna is less sensitive to common mode current problems than an usual flag or pennant antenna. A Control Box for the K9AY Loop Remotely controlled Pennant antenna By Mark Connelly, WA1ION July 19, 2000 The July 2000 issue of QST magazine published an article by Earl W. com): Date: : Thu, 21 Mar 2002 20: As the Flag and Pennant antennas designed by K6SE were intended for the 160 and 80m amateur bands Neil Kazaross developed the Kaz antenna for medium wave DXing. With the Flag and the point-terminated Pennant, the box can be simply taped to the wooden support mast. Permalink. Cunningham, K6SE, entitled "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground My thanks to Earl K6SE for publicising the Pennant antenna, which is reminiscent of a short terminated vee or half-rhombic. answer each end of the antenna (the same as with the Pennant, Flag, or Ewe). Mark Connelly, WA1ION - 19 JUL 2000. 45 – $ 14. 3 expanded for other locations “Flag, Pennants and Other Ground‐Independent Low‐Band Receiving Antennas” by Earl Cunningham, K6SE “Introducing the Shared Apex Loop Array” by Mark Bauman, KB7GF You can look at other configurations that are known to work by reading the original article about Pennant and Flag receive antennas by Earl K6SE (SK) in the July 2000 issue of QST. A Receiving Antenna That AGAS USA Antenna Flag For Cars with Gold Fringe 4x6 inch Printed Single Sided Wrap Knitted Polyester - Stitched Edges - Plastic Mounting Clip - Gold Fringed American Patriotic Flag for Automobiles - Waves in the wind as you drive. Find more , and products. 13 Customize This product has multiple variants. Home DX World LZ3HI QSL RA. Flags, Pennants, and other Ground Independent Low Band Receiving Antennas Earl Cunningham K6SE July 2000 pp 34-37 This website contains basic details on the portable flag antenna I designed for tracking down RFI (radio frequency interference) on MF (medium frequencies) and HF (high frequencies), as well as some tips and tricks on its use and frequently asked questions. Earl Cunningham, K6SE: Rope attachment at the feedpoint end of the antenna is necessary for the Delta configuration of the antenna and for the point-fed Pennant and Diamond. Topband: Clipperton 2000, k6se@juno. 00 $ 12. It's Semi Stock Blank Antenna Flags with Sleeves $ 5. 5-foot, 2-inch diameter mast to my software Flag model made of #14 gauge wire. The brochure had pictures of diamond-shaped terminated earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. I get the [] Published May 16, 2012. The "Flag" and "Pennant" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. Thanks TopBand: 160 FLAG-TRIANGLE CONFIG(K6SE), GLENN WYANT <= Previous by Date: TopBand: YE1ZI big signals in EU, Neil Smith: Next by Date: 24' DX Flagpole Antenna, VDA (Vertical Dipole Antenna) Premium Flagpole Kit (Flag, truck, cleat, clips, lanyard) - ($95 value) Greyline DX Premium Feed Kit ($95 value) RF Choke ($95 value) Ground Mount Kit ($200) Pro Tip: Add Mini Topband: Delta-ewe by K6SE, pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail asking about “the published article” on the Pennant and Flag receiving antennas. K největším nevýhodám přijímacích antén Flag, Pennant a jejich modifikací patří velmi nízká úroveň výstupního signálu, daná jejich "ziskem", K6SE Flag •By accident –I had my antenna switch to the wrong antenna and found that my DX Engineering 40M phased array worked as well as my modified K6SE Flag and NCC-2. 7k) $ 48. My neighbors wouldn’t have a clue. 4 feet long 2000 QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" 20' DX Flagpole Antenna, VDA (Vertical Dipole Antenna) Premium Flagpole Kit (Flag, truck, cleat, clips, lanyard) - ($95 value) Greyline DX Premium Feed Kit ($95 value) RF Choke ($95 value) Ground Mount Kit ($200) Pro Tip: Add Mini This antenna is very simple – it’s a mini diamond Flag – with a 660 ohm terminating resistor and a 16:1 transformer. and 80m: input transformer data 50 to 950 Ohm. 95. 98 Vintage 60s SAFETY A GO-GO Lyle Auto Aerial Pennant Antenna Flag Car Decoration (2. The Pennant was originated by EA3VY and optimized for 160 meters by K6SE, who first wrote My flag was built to the exact dimensions specified by Earl K6SE, (14 feet high by 29 feet long, mounted 6 feet above ground). The work presented in the article includes research by several other hams including Jose, EA3VY. I used a 950 termination resistor. ON4UN also mentioned the project idea in his book. 4 out of 5 stars 459 ratings | Search this page . 5/17/11 The delta flag antenna is a variant of the flag antenna. K nejznámějším průkopníkům v oblasti přijímacích antén patřil Earl Cunningham, K6SE. The reason for the Pennant and Flag designs was to come up with an Ewe-type of receiving antenna which was as independent of earth ground as possible. Topband: Delta-ewe by K6SE, pennant, flag receiving antennas for 160m. Can I make the loop larger, smaller or a different shape? Few years later, Earl K6SE QST July 2000, working with EA3VY come up with an improved project ground independent Low Band Receiving Antenna and Earl K6SE called it a Flag Antenna. com • 2008 N4IS developed the Horizontal flag array • The Waller Flag antenna is very quiet and has a The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart-shaped, single-direction null) pick-up pattern. $11. 7 out of 5 Early notes on the Pennant By Earl Cunningham, K6SE Flag and Pennant mail list, November 3, 2000 When I initially tested the computer model Pennant design in the real world (and after detuning my 160 and 80-meter verticals), the F/B tested on-the-air with a local ham about 5 miles away almost exactly as it did in the computer, about 35 to 45 dB F/b. The options may be chosen on the product page Antenna Flag With Clip $ 18. AM MF Aerial Ferrite Bar Rod Antenna DIY AM Radio KIT Crystal Radio Variable Capacitor 20-200pf Homebrew Loop Antenna Tuner QRP Crystal Radio etc. ” What is that? A Anything can be made to radiate RF if you feed it properly including towers. 73 Pete, W2PM. 36 m / 34 ft. S. It also delivers a decent signal strength hence not necessitating the use of a pre-amp. Earl also presented the project of two flags in phase with a nice diagram. At first I had the bottom wire of the antenna about 2 m off the ground. It is a close relative of the Pennant and Flag antennas, which TopBand: Rotary Flag? From: k6se@juno. Using his Autek RF-1 analyzer, he measures an SWR of over 3:1, either with antenna or with a 900 Ohm resistor as the load for the transformer. My EWE's just wont work over top of my radial systemfor the inv L I am restricted to a backyard rx antenna, the triangle version of the Flag would be sumthing that might work for me. • 2000 QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground- Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" • 2003 NX4D developed the first dual flag vertical array • 2006 N4IS developed the BIG flag vertical array >> www. Join Prime to buy this item at $18. 3 – 7. Since the antenna was fairly close to the house, pick-up of TV and computer hash tended to be a As the Flag and Pennant antennas designed by K6SE were intended for the 160 and 80m amateur bands Neil Kazaross developed the Kaz antenna for medium wave DXing. 1940 Pre War terminated loop THE RADIATION PATTERN OF LOOP ANTENNAS Small antennas Flag, FO0AAA, DoubleKAZ, phased antennas Idea from Earl K6SE.