Ansible hide task password means the password will be stored and the task has access to network resources. builtin. yml But generally you would not avoid JSON, as it's how Ansible interprets data. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information Since everything is working fine I want to disable these warnings. It's not always clear if they're progressing, or just stuck (or the ssh connection has died), so it would be nice to have some sort of progress output displayed. On my Ubuntu machines, for example, the value of ansible_os_family is Debian. ) If you don't want this script with the credentials on your Ansible Control Machine (and/or in the playbooks (git) repo), store it with the right permissions on the Target Machine. JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR Directory to write XML files to. I use three settings in my ansible. I tried no_log: True and ignore_errors: True but makes no difference. Ansible - hide with_dict variables from playbook output. I have seen the pause module of ansible but couldn't see any example which asks users for yes or no which in turn continue or exit the Replace the directory portion of an out-of-tree relative task path with the given placeholder Visualise where time is spent in your Ansible playbooks: what tasks, and what hosts, so you can find where to optimise and decrease playbook latency. Or you can add the following to ansible. I personally don't see an issue with this approach. 0 Here is the playbook tasks: tasks: name: “Install License and Remove Default Identifier” include_tasks: Is it possible to have nested when condition? The issue I am facing is when getting the return codes from the register. As alternatives use include_tasks, import_playbook, import_tasks. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name junit even without specifying the collections: keyword. See, Ansible configures systems and executes commands by default in a fairly verbose manner – outputting status messages, data, return codes, and I have 2 ansible tasks that I am trying to run in a CIS hardening script on an Ubuntu 14. elastic callback – Create distributed traces for each Ansible task in Elastic APM; hide_task_arguments. With default behavior you see the password in the logging. This will make ansible-playbook suppress output about "skipped" and "ok" tasks, and only output "changed" or "failed" ones. '. You can configure the OpenTelemetry exporter and SDK with environment variables. For example, at the task level:-name: This executes, fails, and the failure is ignored ansible. How can I disable this task? Apart from using profile_tasks in your playbook (which is awesome as a general tool and I use it myself), if you need to calculate the specific time taken between two tasks and use the timestamps at your leisure in code, you can use a template with now():. 5. I know about the --skip-tags option, but this a simplified example. It seems like every time there is an Mode Script with an included variable, this teal statement shows up. Below is the useful code snippet to get rid To use 'skipped' plugin, add following line (or uncomment it) in your ansible. An Ansible Callback Function which traces the execution time of Ansible The markers are DRY RUN at the beginning and ending of playbook execution (when calling ansible-playbook--check) and CHECK MODE as a suffix at every play and task that is run in check mode. s4u means the existing token will be used to run the task and no password will be stored with the task. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached. Hello, In case I don't want to see the skipped tasks in Ansible output (display_skipped_hosts = false in ansible. The no_log attribute hides data in syslog. So you can change display_skipped_hosts in ansible. 8. Possible work around: This has worked for me and I have tested it by setting various "verbosity" levels -name: Create an application shortcut on the desktop community. Hot Network Questions The Honest, The Liar, And The Elusive > is there some option to make ansible-playbook "quiet" about its own output and print only the explicit debug msg in line #17 . 4. An Ansible Callback Function which traces the execution time of Ansible This is a gotcha moment for PLAY verbosity Vs TASK verbosity. 5 callback_whitelist has been deprecated in favor of callbacks_enabled. 9), is setting the unixy callback for condensed Ansible output. Setup Start with the following playbook for In an Ansible playbook i iterate over a list in a loop. Ansible has a default all group that, funnily enough, contains all the hosts in the inventory file. Be aware that you would have to reset this variable each time you establish an SSH session onto the system that you use to run Ansible. interactive_token means the user must already be logged on interactively and will run in an Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Is there any way to display -vvvv info only for a single task while running the playbook? Thanks, Vikram when: evaluating to false results in a status skipped on that task. This test plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. It was print out before running the task, that means, there is no "skipped" status yet while print the "TASK Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site We will see today how to use an Ansible callback plugin to hide sensitive data from ansible-playbook output. This module is also supported for Windows targets. command: /bin/true ignore_unreachable: Often configuring a system involves running scripts and passing passwords as a parameter. Uses the ansible. You can do a loop using Jinja expression to delete the messages from the debug output (The titles of the Hello, I hope someone can answer my following question: It is possible to run ansible tasks in background, or hiding their output from playbook? Here is an example: In an playbook I have the following task: name: create some directories command: mkdir -p /really/important/directory tags: common It may possible, that the directory is missing on the Hide skipped ansible tasks without using display_skipped_hosts. Any help on being able to hide this would be very much appreciated. To generate a new secret key: Backup your controller database before you do anything else! Follow the procedure described in the I am using ansible vault to store my passwords , Its working wonderfully. Hide extra output with ansible-playbook. Below is my code snippet Note that it works from Ansible since 1. Within each play, Ansible applies the same task directives to all hosts. However, the documentation for include_tasks contains no hint of the possibility of nor the considerable restrictions required by tail recursion. You can apply them to an entire play or playbook, set them in an included playbook, or set them for a particular task. Only show summary, not individual task profiles. cfg file: stdout_callback = skippy To localize you ansible. host This callback creates distributed traces for each Ansible task with OpenTelemetry. Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. There is no return code. (Especially if other steps depend on the value) This gives: tasks: - name: Test for nginx My issue is the playbook displays the variables when it is run. 2 from the official Ansible Ubuntu PPA on a Debian "Jessie" 8 system. Now, here’s the trick I was alluding to on Twitter: in group_vars/foo or wherever, assume a vault-encrypted file: user - name: Risky task command: echo "Sending passwords in plain text without SSL" register: result changed_when: false failed_when: # returns -1 if string not found - result. 1. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . junit callback plugin. yml And avoid using key=value syntax, it'll shoot in the leg sometime, use pure YAML: With Ansible 1. While working with ansible playbooks, we will get some annoying warning message which makes us uncomfortable. This allows operators to focus on the tasks that provide value only. export ANSIBLE_COMMAND_WARNINGS=false . Hide the arguments for a task. If one switch in the inventory has VLAN already, it aborts the process and goes to the next switch and if it does nit have then VLAN is created and mapped. If a task fails on a host, Ansible takes that host out of the rotation for the I would like to know how to loop over multiple tasks until condition is met. [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Distribution Ubuntu 18. cfg [defaults] stdout_callback = community. lnk icon: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox. I have an Ansible playbook where am trying to automate VLAN mapping on my network. Printing something on skipped comes from the standard out callback plugin. block: - name: Some long operation (e. The playbook run will end without checking back on async tasks. Especially usefull in combination with DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false and/or ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_OK_HOSTS=false. x become_method: su tasks: - name: installing curl ansible. yml, if I recommend you create roles for post and pre tasks for you ansible. Makes the callback event data available via the ansible_callback_diy dictionary, which can be used in the templating context for the options. Print out only failed tasks - Ansible. By not displaying the skipped tasks and hosts, the I am passing a password value as extra vars to my playbook in Ansible tower 3. 1. For that you will need to set this in your ansible. cfg: Ansible Configuration Settings — Ansible Documentation Loops . The first task is - name: 8. It can be applied to a So you can change display_skipped_hosts in ansible. include_tasks for easy linking to the module documentation and to when: evaluating to false results in a status skipped on that task. When a task has executed on all target machines, Ansible moves on to the next task. cfg file. So i don’t want to give -vvvv after ‘ansible-playbook sample. 0 this particular plugin ships with Ansible itself! Just add callbacks_enabled = profile_tasks to your ~/. Here are some thoughts on how to get round that. I've got a task (actually a role, but using a task here to make the example easier) that I don't own which does some operations on a variable. 04 Server. Ansible use 'default' callback plugin to display output, but you can use 'skippy' callback plugin instead of 'default'. Once we've got that, the debug module can print to the playbook output stream. If you're updating a lot of hosts, this makes Ansible's output much more, well, actionable -- you don't have to sift through hundreds or thousands of lines of "ok" to find the one "changed" you were expecting. Blocks group tasks together and have a rescue section which will be only triggered if any of the tasks have failed. To avoid timeouts on a task, specify its maximum runtime and how frequently you would like to poll for status: loop_control works fine when using with_items but how do we make it work without that. I have a role and one simple task: - name: install MariaDB yum: name: MariaDB state: present or if I want to use include: MySQL. The name property defines the output that will be printed out when that task is about to be executed. These code units I defined a task that processes a list of variables, some of which may be undefined. Ansible tries to auto detect this, but you can use the static directive (which was added in Ansible 2. First you need to check the condition and assign the result of check to the variable You can control the label of each item that Ansible prints with loop_control. 34. > > Thanks in advance & BR, > Roland > Hello Roland, did you try "no_log: False" specifically for the debug task? Regards Racke This can be done by judicious use of one of the Ansible callback plugins. 12 Collect Use of Privileged Commands (Scored) shell: /usr/bi Ansible will still block the next task in your playbook, waiting until the async task either completes, fails or times out. for an instance, user creation (multiple users hence loop) - name: user creation user: name: user1 uid: password: group: loop: no_log: true We need to be able to see the output for user creation with groups, name etc. I am able to hide "skipping" tags under the task header with the help of "display_skipped_hosts" parameter in ansible. Bug Report; COMPONENT NAME. I have a playbook where I use a dictionary variable file and an includes_tasks play. Stop ansible tasks from running on some hosts. Hi All, As the subject line says, is there a way to hide/disable the diff on the copy module so it doesn’t expose the contents? [vagrant@localhost test]$ ansible-playbook -D file_copy_test. I am running a playbook in Ansible and get a lot of warnings [WARNING]: sftp transfer mechanism failed on [XXXXXXX]. Hide skipped ansible tasks without using display_skipped_hosts. How can I hide skipped tasks output in Ansible. If you increase verbosity all tasks are printed. Thus, there is no way to run "loose" tasks between two roles. In most cases, you can use the short module name pause even without specifying the collections keyword. shell: cmd: sudo apt install --yes apt-transport-https curl vars: ansible_persistent_log_messages: True register: update_curl_install_output - name: What I found to work best so far for getting CLI-like output in Ansible, and which should work out of the box (at least for me on Fedora 34, Ansible 2. Choices: false ← (default). However, the task will only time out if it exceeds the timeout limit you set with the async parameter. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name skipped. 3. The attribute no_log will just keep the values out of the logs for those tasks that are exposed with it, The task itself will still be marked as FAILED in your case. Thank you so much! Photo: Include statement hosts: all tasks:-name: Print message debug: msg: Hello Ansible World Tasks are defined as a list under the name tasks inside a play, at the same level as the hosts directive that defines the targets for that play. How to disable hosts: all in Ansible. /PASSWORD/ Need to hide failed log in ansible task. x. tasks/main. I want to see -vvvv (highest verbose level) only for a single task in the playbook. 9. BUT, sometimes we just don't even want to know if a task ran at all. For those who still want to hide skipped tasks there is now two options: Using the default callback plugin and setting display_skipped_hosts = False and show_per_host_start = True, this will add another log line when each task is started, however it doesn't get quite the behaviour back of just outputting the title in time (and somehow sometimes also appears after The playbook script task will generate stdout just like the non-playbook command, it just needs to be saved to a variable using register. yml vars: my_var: "{{ my_var_play }}" This nicely aggregates all of the individual task durations. 2. This means it's easy to introduce hard-to-find bugs during refactoring a playbook. exe dest: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox. Here is a super simplified version of the task that I don't own: Hello Team. The second task group only the hosts that responded to the ping, so if it was ignored on the task 1 it will be ignored again, if it was changed on the task 1 it will be changed again. $ ansible I have several tasks in a playbook. 14 and have noticed ASYNC POLL/OK/FAILED messages are now displayed during async tasks. Ansible task vars override set_fact vars. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name junit. In most cases, you can use the short module name include_tasks even without specifying the collections keyword. yml with_dict: "{{ vsrx }}" Note. EDIT #2: Since Ansible v2. Every Ansible task when run can save its results into a variable. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. stdout as part of a string debug: "msg=The script's # The edit command will launch a text editor, such as vim $ ansible-vault edit secrets_file. py callback plugin, modify it to your needs and place to callback_plugins subdirectory Ansible ignores the task errors but continues to execute future tasks against the unreachable host. ANSIBLE VERSION I'd recommend against using --tags. tasks: - name: Hello yourself script: test. This is what I have in the ansible. If you use Ansible 2 you can use the new blocks feature. 9: how to CONTINUE with the rest of the tasks if a condition is not satisfied I'm new to Ansible, I've made a playbook with only two tasks as shown below: - name: Installing Kubernetes for the master node connection: ssh hosts: x. 9 or later. display_skipped_hosts = False display_ok_hosts = False stdout_callback = yaml Now I have a big playbook where a lot of hosts are involved and each host also skips many roles only needed for other hosts. 54. minimal for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same This is a gotcha moment for PLAY verbosity Vs TASK verbosity. win_shortcut: description: The Mozilla Firefox JUNIT_HIDE_TASK_ARGUMENTS Hide the arguments for a task. yaml’. To do this, you have to specify which variable to save the results into. If the command's stdout/stderr was directly I am passing a password value as extra vars to my playbook in Ansible tower 3. You have a few options In order to print nothing to the screen, you can use the null callback: This callback prevents outputing events to screen ~]# ansible-playbook example. cfg file in the [defaults] section. Ansible How to Hide Expected Stderr Output Symptom: There are some cases the SHELL scripts we run via ansible, the return code (rc) is not 0 It will force the task never to be failed Example codes like - name: run the script to get the result shell: | This callback plugin has been removed in version 2. JUNIT_INCLUDE_SETUP_TASKS_IN_REPORT Should the setup tasks be included in the final report. exe,0-name: Create the same shortcut using environment variables community. cfg in the [defaults] section: stdout_callback = actionable This will make ansible-playbook suppress output about "skipped" and "ok" tasks, and only For the example I used Ansible 2. NO verbosity at TASK level is available. Was there any progress on this since then? Would it be possible to use callback plugins to filter the output? TIA, Oliver Consider next scenario: multiple hosts needs to be configured independently. Also, you can set your own custom stats The no_log attribute prevents Ansible from displaying any output or logging any data from the execution of designated plays or tasks. 235 should use /usr/bin/python3, but is using /usr/bin/python for backward compatibility with prior Ansible releases. That's fine for my code (I'm checking if I've written a custom module, something I've done before, and am trying to use it in a set of playbooks I'm developing for an application outside of my regular Ansible use (an important point). If your task don't change anything, you might want to set check_mode as well. It assumes the variable is an integer. – Vasiliy Fateev Commented Aug 12, 2022 at 12:22 community. One of the changes in Ansible 2 is that it now reports all include tasks. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name minimal. EDIT #1: As of Ansible v2. junit callback plugin I have a python script that takes advantage of an Ansible ad hoc command to get host information quickly. This effectively hides sensitive information to prevent leaks . 0, task includes are dynamic and behave more like real tasks. Current Ansible tower ver is 2. It is not a variable that is Visualise where time is spent in your Ansible playbooks: what tasks, and what hosts, so you can find where to optimise and decrease playbook latency. If you wish to run tasks before or after roles are executed, you need to list these under pre_tasks and post_tasks. Whenever I try to run any playbook, gathering facts task will automatically run. The logon method that the task will run with. However, instead of selectively skipping list entries, the whole task may get skipped (depending on some unknown circumstances). This callback plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. how to not display skipped hosts/tasks? Hot Network Questions $ ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=oneline ansible-playbook myplaybook. Something like this: Continuing the discussion from Async task / queue management:. You have a few options In order to print nothing TL;DR: Put the following in your ansible. Ansible has a well-known mechanism to only run a certain list of tasks: tags. Using diff mode . Is there any way to display -vvvv info only for a single task while running the playbook? Thanks, Vikram - hosts: all tasks: - name: task A debug: msg="task A" tags: - A - name: task B debug: msg="task B" tags: - B - name: untagged task debug: msg="untagged task" I would like to run the task with the tag A and the untagged task. I want the sdtout logging but not see the passwords In this tutorial, we will learn to ignore the warning message in ansible logs. yml --start-at I'm having this task where I'm trying to cat the file with password and append it to another file via ansible stdout. general Hello, We recently upgraded ansible from 2. The include action was too confusing, dealing with both plays and tasks, being both dynamic and static. I have several tasks in a playbook. Cureently, script is able to create and map VLAN on respective interfaces as set in the inventory. When we call ansible-playbook with the --tags parameter, we only execute tasks that have one of the specified tasks. Ansible Message Output based on task result. 1) to bypass autodetection. I struggled with that sometime ago and using different sources I found one approach that is not pretty clean but do the trick. hide_task_arguments. You have no way to hide the TASK line on the console. display_skipped_hosts and display_ok_hosts parameters control the logging of tasks and don't affect the recap. image generated via Ideogram. All of them use to get run one by one, but I want to pause the playbook after a particular tasks to asks the user if he wants to continue running the rest of the tasks or exit. As shown in the previous link these can be defined directly in the inventory file or they can be contained in a separate file named after the group in a group_vars directory at the same An Ansible task is basically the action-defining unit of a playbook. or task?" This seems like a question that many, many, many people should've run into by now, and yet I've seen literally I am trying to hide this teal include: statement from my Ansible playbook runs. cfg. Each task executes a module with specific arguments. 04 on host 10. You may use conditions (when) for that. Is there a way not to include skipped tasks in register outputResults. #main. Most probably the tasks get skipped because the value of ansible_os_family is neither Ubuntu nor Amazon Linux. default callback plugin output when a custom callback message(msg) is not provided. When you run in diff mode, any module that supports diff mode reports the changes made or, if used with --check, the changes that would have been made. results. find("Sending passwords in plain text without SSL") == -1 # best to combine additional checks like return code - When you use the debugger keyword, the value you specify overrides any global configuration to enable or disable the debugger. ansible default behavior is to tell you which hosts failed at the end. I tried to 'use no_log: True' both on task and tasks level but it suppresses all output. g. My ansible. However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible. general. cfg to "false", and hide skipped hosts for every playbook for all users for all time. For default based callbacks, this can be disabled globally with the display_skipped_hosts configuration item. windows. The playbook runs fine, however the password value is visible in the Extra vars section of executed jobs of Ansible tower. I use a conditional to skip undefined variables. boolean. --- - name: The name hosts: all vars: my_var_play: "I need to send this value to the task" some_other_var: "This is directly accessible in task" tasks: - include:my_tasks. I know the option no_log: true but the nI have no logging. As of this writing verbosity is ONLY available at PLAY /PLAYBOOK level. Ansible: Select only part of the stdout. This is like solving your problem by dropping a steamroller on it from 10 stories. I'd like to suppress the warning when I'm attempting to gather information about a host that is in a different VPC, but shows in the By default, Ansible runs each task on all hosts affected by a play before starting the next task on any host, using 5 forks. yml should be a list of tasks, so no need in tasks: keyword: --- - include: update_root. sh register: hello - name: Debug hello debug: var=hello - name: Debug hello. 8. There is also a --skip-tags option, which runs all tasks except those with the specified tags. How Can I hide these passwords in all the situations? This is my sample task Summary. Take the default. The --diff option for ansible-playbook can be used alone or with --check. See the docs: ansible-doc -t callback default An elegant solution could be to wrap this thing in a real package In my script there’s 3 tasks only: The first ping the host to see if he is up, if it’s then it’s changed, if it’s not then it’s ignored. yml PLAY [localhost] TASK [Gathering Facts] ok: [localhost] TASK [set_fact] ok: [localhost] PLAY RECAP localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 resuced=0 ignored=0 . yml - set_fact: num: 1 req_num: 10 - name: Start to unregister entities include_tasks: outpu For ansible 2. Ansible, the powerful automation and configuration management tool, uses JSON as its default output format for displaying task results. Ansible set_fact doesn't change the variable value. I have a some Ansible tasks that perform unfortunately long operations - things like running an synchronization operation with an S3 folder. The problem is that ansible-playbook will not fail if you typoed the tag, and from what I've been told on IRC there's no way to make it fail. I am using ansible version 2. yml $ ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=minimal ansible-playbook myplaybook. The dictionary is only available in the templating context for the options. what would be the proper solution for ansible playbook ? Note. If you can't go with become, then you can temporarily set the ANSIBLE_COMMAND_WARNINGS variable to false. Note. but password should not be visible. set_fact does not set ansible_facts? 2. I have tried no-log: True but it does not help me as it probably controls the log display but not the data shown in extra vars section of executed jobs. Example playbook# Usually, ansible folks solve this issue by adding no_log: true to the ansible tasks. display_skipped_hosts = false is my desired default in ansible display behaviour. Core. When poll is 0, Ansible will start the task and immediately move on to the next one without waiting for a result. You might want to create a dedicated role for these tasks. pause for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes Ansible, AWX, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy, ansible-lint, Molecule, etc. This means they can be looped, skipped and use variables from any source. yml must be some like this: --- - hosts: localhost remote_user: "{{remote_user}}" sudo: yes gather_facts: false roles: - pre - main_role - post in roles folder you must have three roles, pre, post and main_role. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same callback plugin name. But when we don’t specify any of them, all tasks are run. ansible. I think most times people would want to see what task is exec’ing in the loop - there could be hundreds. skipped for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same test You can also run it as a post task on the whole role, so each task in that role will be verified, and only if it has a non-zero return code or an STDERR that contains "error" or "fail" - the task will fail. ADMIN MOD Hide warnings from a single task (module) I found that find module is printing warnings when run against non-exsiting locations. If, for any reason you believe the SECRET_KEY the controller generated for you has been compromised and needs to be regenerated, you can run a tool from the installer that behaves much like the controller backup and restore tool. About a month ago, there was discussion about how to hide secret vars (usually those from vault files) from the output when iterating over items. cfg, use command: ansible --version If you don't have this file, get example file from ansible sources and copy it in your working folder from where you call ansible. The task is formatted as follows: - name: Task command: 'bash -c "curl -k -X GET https://{{ item. Possible work around: This has worked for me and I have tested it by setting various "verbosity" levels Faced the same issue in my project. (I am assuming you know about the display_skipped_hosts=no and you still want to print some of the skipped ones). For example json_query filter. Each task in a playbook runs a code unit that configures resources in a certain way or executes a specific command on a managed node. cfg), the current task will be hidden in output, just seeing the previous task at last task in output. 0. database migrations) - register start set_fact: long_op_start: "{{ I want to install MariaDB after confirming user. ansible-playbook play. I personally decided instead to go split a playbook to smaller ones, so ansible-playbook would run everything inside a given one. " (Also limit it's file permissions in the copy/template task. If you define debugger at multiple levels, such as in a role and in a task, Ansible honors the It is the command module causing the changed state, not the register parameter. Means no network or encrypted files access. Ansible how to set_fact with condition or var base on condition. I am on Ansible 2. I had a similar requirement and came out with this understanding. For example: - name: Task loop: {{ data | dict2items }} loop_control: label: "{{ item. . yml - include: create_admin. Tasks that are not printed are placed with a '. - name: get password value shell: "cat {{ playbook_dir }}/. On all of the command/shell tasks, register the output: - name: A shell task shell: | # your commands register: out Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company @MattMcNabb I don't think that will help here; vaulted secrets expand to plain old variables during the play as long as you provided the correct secret to decrypt them, so all the tasks and such have no idea they're dealing with a vaulted variable, and the rest of the ansible engine treats them the same as well. 10 to 2. I ended up saving the passwords to env vars and piping them into the password reset command. 0 of community. It turns out that the variable name in the playbook and the task have to be different. Hiding variable output in custom ansible module. To use We want to see ok and even skipped tasks, as that's good info. When you set this attribute on a task, or on a specific variable (in Ansible argument spec) - the output is hidden, even with high verbosity I am running an ansible-playbook which have many tasks listed. When I run a playbook that includes a task that uses the custom module, the task is silently "ignored. Define this option in ansible. Used by: ansible. Concurrent tasks: poll = 0¶. $ ansible A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes Ansible, AWX, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy, ansible-lint, Molecule, etc. In this scenario, the output will include XY problem I think. Configuration: INI entry: If you want to hide any WARNINGs from tasks, you can set ANSIBLE_ACTION_WARNINGS=false environment variable or add action_warnings = false to ansible. At some point in time, after ALL configuration tasks on ALL hosts been completed successfully, some final tasks needs to be run on ONLY ONE host. However TASK is still displayed on the console. If all goes well, this is fine, Ansible just reports the task has changed. cfg: [ssh_connection] ssh_args= -A [defaults] host_key_checking = False # The edit command will launch a text editor, such as vim $ ansible-vault edit secrets_file. Here is the playbook tasks: tasks: - name: "Install License and Remove Default Identifier" include_tasks: includes/junos_license. The following code does not work in Ansible AWX (the variable is passed to the playbook with the extra-vars / -e flag): "deprecation_warnings": false But that can be changed. I need to somehow pass it a variable and have it come through as an int, and I'm not having any luck. By default, Ansible sends output about plays, tasks, and module arguments to your screen (STDOUT) on the control node. 6 these approach - name: My Task vars: my_var: 123 gives me an error: ERROR! no module/action detected in task. That's fine for my code (I'm checking if Since Ansible 2. 0. Choices: false ← (default) true. For older Ansible version the only way I see (and use) is do not run potentially failing task at all. This is a bit painful, especially when you've a big playbook and use --tags to select just a few of the tasks -- all the include statements for roles irrelevant to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company EDIT: I have had a lot of comments telling me to use the expect module, which I cannot use b/c I cannot always rely on pexpect being installed on target hosts, and I cannot install pexpect if it's missing. You can use strategies to change this default behavior. 6. This can be done by judicious use of one of the Ansible callback plugins. Ansible uses the become, become_user, and become_method directives to achieve privilege escalation. Your site. 4. If you want to change this default behavior, you can use a different strategy plugin, change the number of forks, Ansible: move on to the next task if the task is completed on one host 0 Ansible 2. ISSUE TYPE. This module will be removed in version 2. Is there a way to get a list of unreachable hosts in an ansible playbook. But it hides the whole output by I'm new to Ansible, I've made a playbook with only two tasks as shown below: - name: Installing Kubernetes for the master node connection: ssh hosts: x. 'skippy' use 'default' except for skipped tasks. If I set display_ok_hosts= false , nothing will display on the terminal. Issue I have is when any task fails it shows those passwords in logs. My issue is the playbook displays the variables when it is run. Use the ‘default’ callback plugin with ‘display_skipped_hosts = no’ option. Ansible - condition on with_sequence loop with variable end that could be less than start. Choices: false ← (default) How can I hide skipped tasks output in Ansible. shell: cmd: sudo apt install --yes apt-transport-https curl vars: ansible_persistent_log_messages: True register: update_curl_install_output - name: Play recap shows the distribution of task statuses per host, not statuses of hosts. stdout. Ignore one host on an ansible task in a playbook. If not, the password is logged, which is bad if the output is being sent to people who shouldn’t know it. 9 Is there any way we can Hide/Skip these output from showing? ignoring tasks are always flooding the output. enc Vault password: # The decrypt command will fully decrypt the file, allowing you to manipulate it how you see fit. key }}" ansible. If you use ignore_errors, ansible will continue attempting to run tasks against that host. However, let's say the ansible-playbook command is run with the -v (verbose) flag. Or instantiate as a template with credentials from Ansible vault. As such you can do like with any host groups and provide group_vars for the host group. How to use fact in Ansible set_fact? 0. See the docs: ansible-doc -t callback default An elegant solution could be to wrap this thing in a real package Hi Guys, I am new in Ansible. Configuration: INI entry: This callback only prints tasks that have been tagged with print_action or that have failed. You can set changed_when: to something that is only true when something changed (also look at failed_when). 6789 started=1 finished=0 The yeah it’s important for debug that we show the loop counter of the item, so we don’t hide that with no_log. true. How can I make verbose output for specific task or module in Ansible. cfg file to hide as much "useless" output as possible. debug: msg: "{{ item }}" That will print just the key of each item instead of the potentially large or sensitive value of each item. This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. Configuration: Environment variable: ANSIBLE_OPENTELEMETRY_HIDE_TASK_ARGUMENTS. Diff mode is most common in modules that manipulate files (for example, the template module) but other modules might also If the play still has a ‘tasks’ section, those tasks are executed after roles are applied. Do this with the register parameter, independently of the module used. Ansible's `set_fact` not working at all. Hide skipped tasks in Ansible orchestration output Use Case When an end user runs Orchestration, there are many tasks and hosts that are skipped entirely, which clutters an already pretty long output. yml --tags only-tasks Without changing anything, presuposing your roles are always before your tasks and that you know the name of the first task, you can use the --start-at-task flag, so in your case: ansible-playbook play. win_shortcut: src: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox. To reduce amount of info, you can use different technics. fqdn jid=1234. The example task invokes the debug module, which 1) As stated in the comment above you can turn off printing statuses of skipped tasks, but not the names of them – parameter display_skipped_hosts If you want to customize the output further, you need some code and make you own stdout plugin for Ansible:. 246. Somehow, I need to get the return code to process the next task. What you can do, though, is to use the json callback plugin and filter the stats object of its output according to your requirements. Once you save the results to a Note. Maybe a new flag like how can I hide the ok: [web] output on terminal but display the msg on the terminal. In the case above, for example purposes, I don't care When a task registers output of a command in variable and another task uses that variable, it might be desirable to just hide the first task from the output. From the point of view of sequencing this is asynchronous programming: tasks may now run concurrently. Set the relevant configuration in your ansible. Where as before these messages where not displayed, is there any way to disable/hide these maessages from stdout? Example output: ASYNC POLL on host. I have tried the below options separately. The issue is for skipped tasks. yml [WARNING]: Host file not found: /etc/ansible/hosts [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available PLAY [localhost] ***** TASK I want to run a python from ansible and need to user a password in it. cfg: force_handlers = True But yes, there are better options available. The fantastic solution from @flowerysong in the above referenced Get Help discussion uses an extremely powerful include_tasks technique: tail recursion. junit for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same callback ansible -m debug -a var=ansible_password <some host> I am familiar with ansible feature known as "no_log". This is like solving your problem by It is possible to run ansible tasks in background, or hiding their output from playbook? Here is an example: In an playbook I have the following task: name: create some To prevent a task with confidential information from being logged, in syslog or other, set no_log: true on the task: - name: secret stuff command: "echo {{secret_root_password}} | sudo su -" no_log: true The running of the task will still be logged, but with little details. Add the following task: - name: show family debug: var: ansible_os_family This will print out the actual value on the instances you need to use in your playbook. My use case is for a very complex playbook with many Quoting from include - Include a play or task list. Also, the module used has to support no_log, so test custom modules. rlh dtbuv jvxrua vehc gqoyf csyqqe wega ypyzq fyonkl cflkmz